Westley, while your cartridge catching net seems like a good idea in theory, I don't think you have really thought through the practical application of your 'solution'?
Your net would work, of course, if it was positioned corrrectly for a target travelling in one fixed direction, but taking in the width of the arc between the extreme left hand target to the extreme right hand target, clearly your net would not cover the arc of ejection that this would produce.
I see you have incorporated a wheel system for moving the net. This would be of limited use, except to push it to the Trap layout I feel, as the speed with which a "net pusher" would have to travel to catch each ejected case would reqiure lightning fast reactions, coupled with a very nimble practitioner. I would suggest a younger person of diminutive stature for this, but of course this puts in another variable as to whether you use a small fast person, or a long legged taller person to cover the ground most efficiently.
Then, of course there would have to be a certain debate on the clothing the net pusher would have to wear. "Safety yellow" would seem the obvious choice, but this would lead to a more visible presence in front of the fellow shooters and may cause a suitable distraction, as the pusher would be infront of the shooting line. I feel a more subdued colour would be an ideal choice, maybe a shade of 'Purple' as it is known to be pleasing on the eye and of a more neutral colour. I would also expect the shooter to wear a loose fitting pair of Jeans with the accompanying garish Training Shoes to enable them to move at speed.
Also, would each shooter have to provide his own 'pusher', would there only be one per layout or one each, and would the ground provide these staff or would the cost be borne by the shooter?
Of course, a bigger net would make this whole process easier and create less movement in front of the line, which I am sure would suit the dedicated Trap Shooting fraternity far better, so a few modifications may be required before your contraption goes into full production process.
Basically, a good idea and with a few "tweaks" I think could revolutionise Trap Shooting Worldwide.
I hope you have filed a patent for this as these ideas are sure to be snapped up and marketed in no time. In fact, I'm sure Alan Sugar has had something land on his desk already in this regard, so please ensure your design to protect your business interests.
Tricky business this Trap Shooting isn't it? So many choices, and so little time? :smile: