abt v Ut v ot

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Who now considers (as i do) that abt is now harder than Ut or ot ?

Considering that abt was Allways considered to be a stepping stone to the international disciplines it seems a bit of a strange move by the powers that be to make it so ruddy hard. I shoot mostly ot then Ut but have allways had a soft spot for abt in fact in the past i have shot abt solely for many years so its not like i am new to the game so god knows how anyone moving up from dtl copes with it. Will we see abt dying a slow death due to recent meddling ?

Well yes they brought in the angles a bit and raised the low bird and raised the high bird which is now a springing teal (apparently) and speeded the whole thing up to ot speed. Scores generally over the last year indicate everyone struggling somewhat. Sounds like it should be easier but it aint.

The speeds have always been similar to OT. Throwing 70/75 ish give or take

Now don't all start laughing at once.....and I know there were lots of errors in this very expensive book (The CPSA Clay Target Shooters Handbook) (P. M. S. L.) the one where the 'compiler of the information' got a LVP of the Cpsa (looks to the sky and tuts smilie).....but.....it says......and I quote......(2005)

Target throw ABT 70 to 80 m

Min/max angle 60 to 90 degrees. (L. O. L.)

Target throw OT 75 to 77 m

Target throw UT 70 to 80 m


I can't really compare old ABT against the new rules as I never really shot the old. All I do know is I'm crap at all of the fast trap disciplines. The more I shoot them the worse I get  :(


Not sure I agree new abt is the hardest. My favourite but def not hardest. I would still say OT is ninja.

Funny thing is, OT should be easier in theory, because the clay always comes out straight in front of you, like being on pad 3 for all the other trap disciplines, I know from experience it doesn't seam to translate however!

ABT should be the easiest as it has only one speed, not the 15 speeds of OT.

ABT should be the easiest as it has only one speed, not the 15 speeds of OT.
well that depends on how the targets are set, if they are set for distance facing straight out then the angle put on they are very similar. I have shot the other extreme interpretation and once paced out a left hander from pad 5 that went
and yes I know height makes a difference.
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ABT should be the easiest as it has only one speed, not the 15 speeds of OT.
Exactly my point it "SHOULD" be the easiest by a notable margin, however IMO it is not.

I do agree that ABT should be a nice stepping stone between DTL and OT. Instead of them both being a bit of a shock to the system!

 I think ABT is harder than OT , especially those horrible little straight away grass cutters that I tend to shoot straight over the top of.

Exactly my point it "SHOULD" be the easiest by a notable margin, however IMO it is not.
Ian I have not shot the "new" ABT yet, however I just wish the buggers would leave all the trap disciplines well alone. We need to attract people to the fast disciplines, not scare them away. It seems that almost every five minutes there is some sod trying to make things more difficult, this may be OK for the top guys, however 99% of shooters are NOT the top boys. Why the bloody hell can't the powers that be just leave things alone, or at least consult with grass roots shooters before they start buggering about. I could understand all these changes in the way fast trap is shot, if for example half of all registered shooters were hitting 95%, but that is not the case of course, so why make things harder than they need to be? To make things harder all the time is to potentially breed an elitist attitude in fast trap, this will not attract new blood of course.

It has been said before that the fast disiplines are undersubcribed, OT in particular, well moves to make any of the fast trap disciplines harder will surely result in less people trying/sticking with such disciplines! :angry:


Was going to send out a search party for you pal, were you been ?

Yes your right people are scared of the fast disciplines which is why ABT should be an easier transition from DTL than it currently is. Then people will be encouraged to move into OT then we might get a few more layouts built then we can all shoot a "propper" discipline all the time and not have to travel a 250m round trip to shoot a comp.

Ian I have not shot the "new" ABT yet, however I just wish the buggers would leave all the trap disciplines well alone. We need to attract people to the fast disciplines, not scare them away. It seems that almost every five minutes there is some sod trying to make things more difficult, this may be OK for the top guys, however 99% of shooters are NOT the top boys. Why the bloody hell can't the powers that be just leave things alone, or at least consult with grass roots shooters before they start buggering about. I could understand all these changes in the way fast trap is shot, if for example half of all registered shooters were hitting 95%, but that is not the case of course, so why make things harder than they need to be? To make things harder all the time is to potentially breed an elitist attitude in fast trap, this will not attract new blood of course.

It has been said before that the fast disiplines are undersubcribed, OT in particular, well moves to make any of the fast trap disciplines harder will surely result in less people trying/sticking with such disciplines! :angry:
Yes, welcome back Les 


Was going to send out a search party for you pal, were you been ?

Yes your right people are scared of the fast disciplines which is why ABT should be an easier transition from DTL than it currently is. Then people will be encouraged to move into OT then we might get a few more layouts built then we can all shoot a "propper" discipline all the time and not have to travel a 250m round trip to shoot a comp.
Got chatting to a fella at SW 2000 on 23rd December who normally shoots DTL competitively but "thought I'd shoot a bit of OT for a bit of fun".

Blow me if he didn't finish 4th oall with an 88 and hit the only 25 straight of the day on his second squad!! Not bad for a D class shooter!

I think the DTL boys should stay exactly where they are :angry:


Got chatting to a fella at SW 2000 on 23rd December who normally shoots DTL competitively but "thought I'd shoot a bit of OT for a bit of fun".

Blow me if he didn't finish 4th oall with an 88 and hit the only 25 straight of the day on his second squad!! Not bad for a D class shooter!

I think the DTL boys should stay exactly where they are :angry:

he does shoot OT but is focused on DTL this year as was a AA sporting shot previous. That was his OT PB by a long way. One of the others (winner that day) was a DTL shot and is now ranked in the top 10 at UT on averages.


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