I’ve only been shooting for 2 years….4 times a month and just clays. I treated myself to a gun fit session a month ago, something I accept I should have done at the point of purchase. In short, I felt I was holding the gun too high on the shoulder which was confirmed politely “I’ve seen worse” 
Aside of poor gun mount which I’m working on post session (adjustable comb now fitted) I was advised that whilst I was definitely right eye dominant (right shoulder mount), my left eye is interfering, the solution to which was to add a small opaque patch to the left lens of my glasses.
Whilst accepting and respecting my game has been reset and I need to relearn gun mount, this bloody patch (15mm diameter) is really pissing me off.
Are there any other options such as ‘easy hit beads’
Thank you
Aside of poor gun mount which I’m working on post session (adjustable comb now fitted) I was advised that whilst I was definitely right eye dominant (right shoulder mount), my left eye is interfering, the solution to which was to add a small opaque patch to the left lens of my glasses.
Whilst accepting and respecting my game has been reset and I need to relearn gun mount, this bloody patch (15mm diameter) is really pissing me off.
Are there any other options such as ‘easy hit beads’
Thank you