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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Worcs

    Need help making a decision.

    It always winds me up when someone in a forum asks for help deciding on a purchase as it's always a subjective decision, but now I've become that guy. I've finally got my licence and can now seriously think about my first gun. I've been to look at a really nice second-hand MK38 sporter with...
  2. Worcs

    Shooting on your own

    Next weekend  :smile:
  3. Worcs

    Shooting on your own

    Thanks Finners. Whereabouts do you shoot? So far I've only been to Throckmorton with my instructor (although I'm going to Park Farm next weekend). My only other experience of clay shooting was 20 years ago at Oxton when we pressed and marked as kids. It's true what Will says, everyone I've met...
  4. Worcs

    Shooting on your own

    Hi John. It's a shame you're not closer to Worcestershire as I'm pretty much in the same situation. I caught the bug but have no friends or family that are in to shooting either. I'm paying for my dad to have a lesson next week but I doubt he'll be that in to it or willing to spend the money to...
  5. Worcs

    No Shotgun Ticket Anytime Soon

    He did say he'd get it put in today and should be through in a week or two, so fingers crossed. What did you buy?
  6. Worcs

    No Shotgun Ticket Anytime Soon

    I finally had a visit from my FEO for my SGC grant and now I get a few weeks of stalking the postman! I applied in June, a nine month wait for a 5 minute conversation. The FEO was very friendly and explained the long waiting times are because of a high office staff turnover. With hindsight I...
  7. Worcs

    New gun.

    There's a few people on this site that seem very quick to anger and get their balls in a twist over silly disagreements.You would think that someone trusted with the ownership of a gun would would not want to present themselves in an aggressive and argumentative way. Just my opinion though.
  8. Worcs

    New gun.

    Don't know if your after some chokes but I just saw these for sale on pigeon watch:
  9. Worcs

    Cartridges co-operative?

    I grew up a stones throw from Cockets Farm but haven't been to Farnsfield for 10 years. I still have family in the area, is it worth a visit when I get my licence? I could tie in a trip to my sister's and would make the trek worthwhile!  At the age of about 12, we used to sneak into cockets...
  10. Worcs

    timescales slipped again

    That is tempting, do i need a licence!?
  11. Worcs

    timescales slipped again

    34 weeks and counting  :angry:
  12. Worcs

    No Shotgun Ticket Anytime Soon

    I can't imagine how the incredibly long waiting time is for the benefit of everyone, unless you're going along the lines of the wait is some kind of "cooling off" period like they have in some American states, even so 9 months+ is a very long cooling off period. The reason I was given by my FEO...
  13. Worcs

    log burner, its the future

    Can you legally install a log burner yourself? I was going to put one in last winter but was advised it need to be installed by a "professional" and signed off.
  14. Worcs

    Clay Pigeon Shooting Association

    What is that around the leg of that clay!?
  15. Worcs

    Clay Pigeon Shooting Association

    Do you know if there is any evidence from Wales or Scotland that changing the word "pigeon" to "target" has had any positive effect in either increased numbers taking up shooting clays or improvement in public perception of the sport? I'm 36 and just started shooting last year but I knew what a...
  16. Worcs

    Super quick

    Can you ask them if they'll pop down and have a word with West Mercia, 240 days and still waiting.
  17. Worcs

    Something new....

    I'm in exactly the same space as you, Lord v. Waiting for licence, running out of things to spend money on! What about a cleaning mat? Maybe some snap caps? Bore snake? My most recent purchase was a new pair of Muck Boots (although not just strictly for shooting) as my last pair had started to...
  18. Worcs

    Where to start with clay shooting in the UK? ?
  19. Worcs

    What are you drinking?

    Was making Long Island Ice Tea's last night and feeling a bit rough today. I've always liked LIIT's but never realised what goes in to them; Rum, Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime, Lemon and coke. 5 different spirits! Might stick to the Speckled Hen tonight.