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  1. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    Thanks tinkerbell I'll be booking in with a trap coach straight away, there is one close by. Just back from the range and shot 42 from 50, my PB. 6 of my dropped shots were left, 2 were hard right, hopefully the session with the coach will iron out the kinks and I'll get few excercises I can use...
  2. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    My sporting scores went to the dogs
  3. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    That's not really true. If you change any aspect of you technique in any sport you have expect for performance to dip while you perfect the change. My point is that I am having difficulty with left flying birds, which is a fact and I'm interested to hear other peoples thoughts, everything I've...
  4. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    Definitely right eye dom and shot them better when shooting with one eye, I only switched about 2 months ago my trap scores increased straight away my sporting scores plummeted!
  5. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    Thanks hamster and you're right, I don't expect to get the perfect answer with no one actually seeing what I'm doing wrong. I was just curious to see if people have had a similar experience or if it was a common issue when switching to shooting with both eyes. It really is a case that I miss...
  6. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    Thanks hamster and you're right, I don't expect to get the perfect answer with no one actually seeing what I'm doing wrong. I was just curious to see if people have had a similar experience or if it was a common issue when switching to shooting with both eyes. It really is a case that I miss...
  7. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    Thanks chippy, I'll try that tomorrow
  8. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    No, like you I move my upper body with the gun
  9. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    Yes swinging across my body, I am going to see a coach later in March for a session so I'll ask him as well. Chippy: when you say stock too low would raising the comb help? Thank you all
  10. GrandeRossoIre


    Hi just want to introduce myself I'm mark and I've been shooting for a year and begin shooting ABT competitively next week in Ireland. I also do sporting for fun.
  11. GrandeRossoIre

    Trouble shooting right to left clays

    Hi All, I'm having difficulty shooting right to left clays, I can't seem to judge the right amount of lead. This is the case for trap and sporting, I've recently changed to shooting with both eyes open. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks