12th / 13th October...scores on the doors for everyone?

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2012
Isle of Wight
Isle of Wight Gun Club for me....forecast looking a bit dodgy...but maybe my new Musto Fenland coat will help keep me warm and dry!

Hoping to redeem myself after last week's poor showing...and also get some focus for my session...I mean lesson...with Mr Solomon's on Tuesday....

60 Double Rise at Owls Lodge this morning, managed a 35 which isn't to bad considering its the first time that I have shot this.Need to work out how best to shoot peg 4 & 5 though.

40 from 70 at Willow Farm this morning.  Rabbit had me beat and dropped more than I should have on pretty much every stand.  Hey ho.  Onwards and upwards.

Crap days practice today 49 !! Arrhghhh.
My god you set high standards 49ex50 ! :)

Don't worry about it next time will be better. Problem is when you are very new to something like trap shooting you don't need to change very much to get a totally different result.

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Let's hope I do better tommorow ....in the comp .
Right I am no experienced trap shooter but I suspect I have a wee bit more experience than you, I could be wrong. Anyway here is my tip for you tomorrow. Do your set up and hold point then call up the target.... DON NOT MOVE THAT GUN UNTIL YOU HAVE PROPERLEY SEEN THE TARGET then shoot the fecker! If you do that you will do better than 49 ! Three things head on stock , see target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then shoot it. But you have already been told that every trap shooter does but the most common fault moving the gun too early!

Thank you ..my coach says 3 points to remember ..

Call it

See it

Shoot it

I tend to move to quickly !! More or less before it's left the trap .

I tend to move to quickly !! More or less before it's left the trap .
That has been your problem! Seriously you must not move the gun until you can clearly see the target once you see it clearly as a solid object move to it and shoot it !Also, if I remember correctly you are shooting DTL, do not hold your gun  too low if you do there is a chance you may shoot over the top of the target because you over accelerate the gun to the target. Hold it a bit above the trap house so you have a bit less gun movement upward and just the lateral to worry about. I bet you shoot more targets!

Thanks I'll try it ....abit different to target shooting ........

Thanks I'll try it ....abit different to target shooting ........
Again it is a major change for you because target shooting as I remember it is very much a precision aiming discipline whereas trapshooting is about, assuming good gun mount and stance, seeing the target clearly and recognising the trajectory. Once you have seen the target properly and assessed the direction and trajectory you shoot it. Now the seeing clearly takes less time than you think but if you take the time to do that you will be more successful in shooting the targets. The problem with moving the gun too early is that yes you may be moving in the correct direction but you have not clearly identified its trajectory and that is where your problems start because say for example the target is slightly higher than your gun you have a gun moving in one direction but you need to move it up at the same time ... not easy. Whereas if you wait you will be able to move your gun in one smooth movement towards the target and squeeze the trigger just as the bead hits the bottom of the target while keeping the gun moving! Remember that bit underlined you are used to aiming and there is a great desire to stop the gun and aim when taking the shot don't just keep moving it. Good shooting tomorrow!

Thank you for taking the time to write that post I really appreciate it ! I'll bear in mind all your points ...

Let's hope I can improve abit tommorow


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Thank you for taking the time to write that post I really appreciate it ! I'll bear in mind all your points ...

Let's hope I can improve abit tommorow

Hey I to am fairly new to the whole thing but if you take the time to see the target you will greatly improve your chances of breaking it! I really cannot over state the importance of seeing the clay as an object rather than a streak of colour before you move the gun and also keeping your gun moving when you are taking the shot. I am adding the warning .. don't go to sleep on the target but make sure you see it properly then get after it ... bet you get a better score than your practice round, good shooting anyway!

Normanhurst in the peeing down rain this morning.  The score cards fell to bits, but I think I ended up mid-20's somewhere.  Not great, but I blame some of it on the weather.

Just got in...not too wet...although it is chucking it down in earnest now...

Shot a 69 which I was a bit disappointed with, been working on gun out of shoulder but it just isn't working for me at the moment (one to chat through with Ed on Tuesday methinks..)

...however when I got back in the Clubhouse, high gun was 79 and I was 6th so guessing it was a tough course and it was a bit gusty...so I have allowed my self a small sloe gin in celebration...

And I bl$$dy hate scores that end in 9.....
