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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2018
West Sussex
What chokes are people using in their 694s, I normally use 1/2/& 1/2 but am finding its too much choke on a lot of shoots I go to. Targets seem to be getting closer and closer. Im tempted to go 1/4 in both barrels, But I have a nagging thought in my head of edge on midi s going through the pattern. I like to stick to the same choke in both barrels.

I tried Teague 3/8 in both barrels and they seem as tight as the 1/2 s.

I know with the long forcing cones the optima HP pattern superbly. But does anybody shoot 1/4 s in both confidently or is it in my head.

Mostly shooting Fiocchi F blacks and Officials.

You don’t mention cartridge shot size which make a difference. I only ever shoot 1/4 and 1/4 in mine, with 8 shot, 2.2mm, so plenty of pellets for edge on stuff. I never doubt the killing power on the usual targets I see. For the upcoming World Championships I will carry some 2.4mm shot cartridges (which pattern tighter and travel further) for when they offer up those few signature super long targets, which tend to show face.
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I shoot both a 692 and DT11 and use 1/4 and 1/4 in both guns, both for practicing skeet and the odd round of sporting, compak and whatever else is on offer. Come to think of it, all skeet is "edge on" save for stations 1, 7 and 8 :giggle:.

I'll change to skeet chokes for comps in skeet, but everything else I stick with 1/4. I have yet to come across a "miss" where the target didn't break for reasons of pattern (but plenty where I simply am not putting the shot in the right place). I shoot steel only at my local grounds, but doubt that would make much of a difference with modern plaswad cartridges.

Most of this stuff is in our heads anyway, to the greater joys of manufacturers and vendors alike.
Cheers for replies all
Will give it a go on friday at Southdown. Got a comp on Sunday which to be fair are all fairly close and going away birds.
Interesting choice, it seems the consensus is 1/4 1/4. I have a late 692 which can't be far away from 694 in performance. I use 1/4 1/2 with 8 shot and 7's in reserve (FBlacks & FBlu's recently). I use the barrel selector on most stands, using 1/2 on the longer target if there is one. Most of the time I feel that the 1/2 is over choked for the average target but perhaps 10% of the time I'm glad it's there. Perhaps it loses me more points than it gains.
I tend to use 1/4 and 3/8 for most targets and as for cartridges, Eley Superb 9 for as much as I can and 7 1/2 for everything else. I am thinking of switching to 1/2 & 1/2 as I tried it a few weeks ago and it seemed to work well but still the same selection of shells.
Usually 1/4 & 1/2 for me. In practise you are not talking about much here - the spread of 9 chokes (Cyl to Full) covers about 25 yards of the same pattern so at best a 1/4 or 3/8 is 3 yards and 1/4 to 1/2, 6 yards. Personally, and I think quite a few of the above, prefer to change cartridge to deal with the long range stuff and it is surprising how far a (Hull) Sov or (F) Rossa will go on a 1/2 choke.
I can not be doing with faffing around with the safety catch and spending more time thinking about which barrel to shoot first. I have been using 24 gram in the first barrel and finding it a bit easier to get onto the second target with the reduced recoil.
I'd like to say that I can't be doing with faffing around with different cartridges but I'll do that on occasions too, it's against my better judgement and the best advice, but a little bit of faffing gives me confidence and I like the results. I have two pockets in my shooting vest with 8's in one and 7's in t'other, it's not much hassle really.
I'll probably go full circle sometime, but for now, that's what I'm doing, also, as long as I have two different chokes, I'll select the best for the job otherwise why would I have different chokes :).
Sounds as if I'm making life difficult for myself but it's as easy as pie, just part of my preparation process.