A calendar of shooting men

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2012
Two ShootClay members are featured in the 2014 Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club calendar. Ed Solomons is doing very well but it's @Aspire, Wayne Martin, who is currently leading the field. It's only by a few votes though, and with social media Voting is taking place on Facebook as to who should be the cover model. things could change at any time. If you're on Facebook come and add your "like" to support the lovely clay shooters.


I'm tearing my shirt off as we speak. Is it moves like Jagger, or moobs like Jabba? (Shirt back on now..)

I'm tearing my shirt off as we speak. Is it moves like Jagger, or moobs like Jabba? (Shirt back on now..)
A candidate for 2015 then? Excellent. See Double Barrelled Don for a lovely photo session and you'll be a shoo-in for sure. Also wearing tweed helps. 

Top tip: Get your pic taken with a cute dog to increase your chances.

A candidate for 2015 then? Excellent. See Double Barrelled Don for a lovely photo session and you'll be a shoo-in for sure. Also wearing tweed helps. 

Top tip: Get your pic taken with a cute dog to increase your chances.
Can you hold the puppy in front of your face?

The photo of Wayne/Aspire is my favourite (although I think Don went a bit too wild with dodge and burn in post processing - sorry Don).

A few of us shoot clay chaps could do a slightly overweight middle age bloke version.

Admit it girls you want to see it.

A few of us shoot clay chaps could do a slightly overweight middle age bloke version.

Admit it girls you want to see it.
I'd like to point out that we have all kinds of fellows in this calendar, even ones that might be considered to fit that description :) The ladies of the Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club like personality. And tweed. And cute dogs. And nice shotguns. 

No one sent in a picture with a cake, which I think was a missed opportunity.

Disappointed no Aspire topless one...dog might be cute but the abs are better...especially after a baby Aspire...well done you...

To be fair topless with a nice gun and a cute dog would probably hit most spots...never really liked tweed...always found the rugs a bit itchy...

Nice gun ... Tick

topless ... Tick

dog ... Er not got one would a long haired pussy suffice ?

Not topless.....

One should always leave something to the imagination.....

For me you can't beat a man in tweeds.....

And 'that' is part of why they all voted for him.... :wink:

Hey just looked and our Aspire got 135 votes....brilliant....thrashed the opposition....!

I find this really degrading against men, I have never been so offended!

Got to go my foxy hunters calendar has just arrived ;-)

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