A new trend ?

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Eddie Wilkinson

Well-known member
Jun 17, 2013
Just been reading about this on the BBC

Thoughts ?
"Essex Police checked details of licence holders to see if they had ever been the perpetrator of domestic violence, even if they had not been arrested, charged or found guilty.

They prioritised cases, focussing on the highest-risk first, and visiting the holders.

The force's approach was "victim-based", so people could say if they believed their partners or family members should be allowed to keep guns.

"If there were concerns, we took steps to remove guns, ammunition and certificates where we believed there was a danger to public safety," said Chief Insp Tom Simons from Essex Police.

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Why not? If you are the kind of coward who feels that taking out your frustrations on those who trust you and rely on you then I for one would prefer you not to have access to firearms.

Given the option I'd not even give someone like this a driving licence!

What about people wearing jeans, camo, tats, maroon and shooting with an auto ...or a Beretta..

I wear jeans have plenty of tattoos and on a sh*tty day I may wear camo trousers.come at me ladies.

Listen tinker anyone with maroon anything deserves to be locked up ;)

Anyone who wears denim should be risk assessed and tattoos and or piercings will require 12 good men and true to cast judgement :)

Prison tats yes...

But IPS.....there are lots of designer tats now....

Very trendy.

Do you not fancy 'I love Mrs IPS' tatooed on a big koi carp stretched across your left buttock rising to curl around your left hip???

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Designer tats you say. I think not.

Have considered your idea re the carp but quickly dismissed it as a really bad idea.

Couple of years ago mini ips was seeing a young chap for about four weeks he decided it would be cool to have her initials permanently engraved into his skin. She decided he was an arse and fired him off the week after. So the silly little sod is now having to explain to all future girl friends what his stamp of "KES" is all about. What an arse.


If I had done this I would now look like a broad sheet newspaper :)

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When I was late teens early twenty I was a very scruffy long haired bearded biker and rode with a dirty ass bike gang of mainly thirty and fourty year old. We're now talking proper bikers the sort you crossed the road to avoid the sort that emptied pubs on our arrival. Anyway a friend of mine and fellow biker in said gang (about thirty eight at the time and a skin head because he said everyone with long hair was a poof) called "leg arms" for obvious reasons was probably the hardest man I ever met and tattooed once told me that having a tattoo hurt a very great deal (or words to that effect) and only a real man would admit to it and anyone who says it doesn't hurt is a lier.

No point to the above just a little tale of a miss spent yoof :)

Last tattoo I had was a 7 hour sitting and can't say it hurt. Maybe tour big tough biker friend was a bit of a fairy.

so, to answer the OP`s query,  I imagine that very soon ,if its found that you own a car, then you must speed,, so you will be issued a fine anyway, just in case someone reports you,,,

Last tattoo I had was a 7 hour sitting and can't say it hurt. Maybe tour big tough biker friend was a bit of a fairy.
Well he defiantly wasn't that. Maybe The Ink into skin Cutting devices are better these days I really have no idea. Each to there own but it's not something that's ever appealed to me personally. I have always considered that I look good as I am and that pictures or things hanging off me or sticking through bits of me would not be any improvement :)

Anyway as I say each to there own it matters not to me what folk do.

Designer tats you say. I think not.

Have considered your idea re the carp but quickly dismissed it as a really bad idea.

Couple of years ago mini ips was seeing a young chap for about four weeks he decided it would be cool to have her initials permanently engraved into his skin. She decided he was an arse and fired him off the week after. So the silly little sod is now having to explain to all future girl friends what his stamp of "KES" is all about. What an arse.


If I had done this I would now look like a broad sheet newspaper :)
HE could always claim to be a big fan...


Great film not seen that for years and years. Good point if I ever see him I will pass on the idea :)

In regard to the OP, I agree with Nimbus.  If you have the ability and conscience to leather the ones you are supposed to love, let alone anyone else then I don't want you shooting anywhere near me thank you.

Jim, not necessarily so.  Those targeted were known to the police for violence, whether convicted or not.  Once attended and interviewed then a decision was made.  It wasn't a blanket removal.

Would have to be very careful about any statement made by an estranged x wife though as they can cause you serious problems. Or even your neighbour who never forgave you for planting your leylandi

Would have to be very careful about any statement made by an estranged x wife though as they can cause you serious problems. Or even your neighbour who never forgave you for planting your leylandi
or f'ing Wisteria, Leylandii you take a chainsaw to it once in a while, Wisteria its every bloody day, worse than Japanese Knotweed IMHO
