abt changes alledgedly

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Well even if I was good enough to shoot at some of these oversees events, wild horses would not drag me to a predominantly Muslim country these days! The potential security risks are just too great!

same here les.

I once made the mistake off getting off the ship at Agadir despite being warned against it. Did not like it one bit and was very glad to get back onboard. 

same here les.

I once made the mistake off getting off the ship at Agadir despite being warned against it. Did not like it one bit and was very glad to get back onboard. 
I get the jitters if I have to go abroad at all, even to Somerset! Pmsl.

I have to admit that sometimes the international scene is beyond baffling.

And that snake $hit cannot be but massively more time consuming not even to mention the misery that the scorers would endure!  And someone would actually PAY to be involved in that cluster .............  ??

JMO of course and I could be worng 

At a guess I would say at least 60% off UT shooters will say Bugg#r it, if the snake system is implemented,  if he wants more shooters, just pay some prize money..........

What colour are the targets in Morocco? :angel:

At a guess I would say at least 60% off UT shooters will say Bugg#r it, if the snake system is implemented,  if he wants more shooters, just pay some prize money..........

What colour are the targets in Morocco? :angel:
Regular blaze clays.  Last time in Morocco, their version of grass, some sort of succulent, was watered by sprinklers whenever shooting wasn't taking place so perfectly green in front of the layouts.  

I've just received an email from Michele Conway, CPSA Director asking for my comments on the email below from Terry Bobbett, CPSA Chairman. 

Dear All


Making ABT less daunting for newcomers and others.


At the ICTSC meeting last Friday it was proposed by Ulster CPSA that we amend the regulations for ABT to make it less hard. It was agreed to reduce the target flight distance from 75m +/- 1m to 70m +/-1m and reduce the angles from 32.5º +/- 5º to 30º +/- 2.5º. The new regulations will be officially introduced by the other nations on January 1st next year but it was agreed that any grounds wishing to do so could introduce them straight away. All done rather quickly in one meeting but I believe it is a step forward and those shooters I talked to on Sunday all thought it a good idea. On that basis I would like to propose we adopt the new regulations on the same basis as detailed above.


Please let me have your thoughts





My response

Hi Michele,

Pointless consulting after the event. Also pointless having a plus or minus angle of 2.5 degrees as the traps and the large protractors, we call angleometers to set targets are stepped in 5 degree segments. 
Please delete me from your list of consultees.


Rearrange the following words to form a well know phrase :)  - Of Asylum The Charge Lunatics In 

Should make the HI ABT interesting next year if CPSA doesn't adopt the proposed rule changes., although it sounds a bit like a 'fait accompli' to me. 

I really don't get this idea of 'it's hard, so lets make it easier'?

For 'hard' read 'a challenge'. Practice enough and you will get better at it and it will get 'easier'. Strange that?. Don't dumb it down to make it easier for Christ's sake!!

So when the people who have taken up ABT (because it's now easier) get proficient and are thinking about moving up to UT/OT but don't "because it's hard". Are they then going to make those disciplines easier as well ?



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Phil, is there more to this correspondence than you've posted? You mention Michele but all that is posted is Terry Bobbit's email. What's Michele got to do with it?

Why in the name of all that is sane, could they not simply give us back the ball trap that we used to have? It worked perfectly well for a long while, OK it was slower than what we have now and the angles were wider, but a lot of people used to shoot it. What's wrong with us going back to that old system? Anyway looks like it's a done deal, apparently without much in the way of consultation!

Phil, is there more to this correspondence than you've posted? You mention Michele but all that is posted is Terry Bobbit's email. What's Michele got to do with it?
Michele, as a Director, is Chairperson of the ABT Sub Committee and asked me for comment on Bobbet's email.  I have no axe to grind with Michele.

Michele, as a Director, is Chairperson of the ABT Sub Committee and asked me for comment on Bobbet's email.  I have no axe to grind with Michele.
Phil, any idea as to why they simply didn't revert back to the old ABT? It was pretty popular and was used by many as a stepping stone to the faster disciplines. Any thoughts Phil?

Phil, any idea as to why they simply didn't revert back to the old ABT? It was pretty popular and was used by many as a stepping stone to the faster disciplines. Any thoughts Phil?
Absolutely no idea. I wasn't privy to those discussions, if I was I'd have opposed the changes.  Dumbing down doesn't improve the breed, but it seems to be the way of life now.  

To make it easier (for me anyway) just make sure I don't get any dead straight targets  on any peg !!


Making it easier so more will shoot it.....   

Wont make much difference, most wont shoot it, or OT and UT for the reason they have to ref,  I get a number of people saying/moaning, why should I ref when I have paid to shoot.  Dont think they understand thats how it works....

Making it easier so more will shoot it.....   

Wont make much difference, most wont shoot it, or OT and UT for the reason they have to ref,  I get a number of people saying/moaning, why should I ref when I have paid to shoot.  Dont think they understand thats how it works....
ok but should it really be like that?

It can be other ways, but then nobody would want to shoot it,

3 refs per layout x 4 layouts x £55 each per day ( thats cheap by what most want paying) = £660 extra the club would have to put on entry fee's, average shoot these days seems to be about 5-6 squads for OT, so thats 30-36 guns,  thats an extra £18 per entry so that would be £50+ entry for a 100 bird shoot.  Cant see many forking that out, when they can and do ref themselves.

The mentality of wanting everything on a plate, is killing the sport, I'm suprised they dont have the scouts lined up outside the bogs at big shoots to wipe the backsides of such like people....

Sorry for rant, but thats how it has always worked, why should we change rules that are accepted everywhere else in the world.......

dtl comps provide very capable refs and entry fee is unaffected.

just saying

dtl comps provide very capable refs and entry fee is unaffected.

just saying
Yes but you don't get the abacus or the buzzer (I think?).

Certainly for major championships or selection shoots there should be three refs (actually 1 ref and two markers) but for a regular comp I don't really see the need. Provided the scorer can buzz misses and mark the card efficiently (as often happens on the first round of the day) I don't see the need for any more.

That said, I really don't mind the reffing/scoring as it passes the time between rounds.



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