abt changes alledgedly

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I was (very) daunted by the Reffing when I first shot ABT but I actually like it, as said above, it passes a bit of time + for a learner like me it's good to watch & learn - personally I don't see -5m & -2.5' will make any difference at all. 

I for one consider this a step back in the right direction.this will place abt closer to were it should be nicely between dtl and ot. Do away with ref requirements and we will have an excellent shootable and well attended discipline.

It's already signed sealed & delivered - its on the CPSA website & their FB page. 

It's already signed sealed & delivered - its on the CPSA website & their FB page. 
He's right you know!! New format can be used with immediate effect and will be incorporated into the rulebook "in due course".

I also note from the CPSA website that the National Intercounties ABT finals being held at NCSC this weekend has been reduced from a two day event to a single day event....due to lack of entries.  Maybe they have a point about dwindling shooter numbers :rolleyes:

Looking forward to trying out the new format at Rugby in a couple of weeks (assuming they change it by then).


Personally I hate scoring and refing. I just like to chill out between rounds, not work! But that's just me of course. I would rather pay a little more and have someone else do it.

Spoken like the quality you are!  What the hell are peasants for if not the drudge of life?  And why should they be paid anything other than the honor of service?   :angel:

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Yes but you don't get the abacus or the buzzer (I think?).

Certainly for major championships or selection shoots there should be three refs (actually 1 ref and two markers) but for a regular comp I don't really see the need. Provided the scorer can buzz misses and mark the card efficiently (as often happens on the first round of the day) I don't see the need for any more.

That said, I really don't mind the reffing/scoring as it passes the time between rounds.

You do get the bloody buzzer at SW2000 when you are doing the DTL part of the All Round - I hate the buzzer.  Haven't shot any reg DTLs though as I am still trying to assimilate and be at one with the DTL shooters. ?

As someone who installs and sets traps to discipline regulations I can tell you for a fact that one problem with the old ABT rules followed by the CPSA was that because there was such a large variation allowed it was a joke. If they had adopted the ISSF 76m +/- 1m for distance it would have solved a lot of problems. However allowing one ground to set the minimum angle (60deg) with the shortest distance (70m) and another the maximum angle (90deg) with the furthest distance (80m) gives a too much of a "hard and soft" approach which some shooters can't cope with as they're practicing on soft targets and get wiped out on a maximum set ground.

You don't get this with OT, UT and Double Trap as there are black and white instructions on distance, height and angles. I'm leaving DTL out of the equation as in my experience there are as many grounds throwing non-regulation targets as there are regulation.

If ABT is to flourish it needs a full set of black and white rule that grounds cannot massage allowing them to throw too easy or too hard. Hopefully the CPSA will do this, but then even if they do they won't kick out a ground from the competition circuit for non-compliance.

I was shooting the old ball trap back in the 80's/90's, from what I saw back in those days, it seemed pretty popular. I dont know about the numbers, but when it got changed, it seemed that its popularity dwindled somewhat. Ok maybe just my imagination of course, but I've met plenty of others who feel the same.

I for one consider this a step back in the right direction.this will place abt closer to were it should be nicely between dtl and ot. Do away with ref requirements and we will have an excellent shootable and well attended discipline.
If the grounds will swallow the ref costs, it would attract more.

But do we get ref problems then??

Looking back through my shooting log, numbers reduced drastically when the prize money went down, Bywell was well attended every shoot, then all of a sudden 90% of entrys were birds only and the prize money went, you got your £5 back for high gun, so the numbers went down. So all credit to the Henry brothers, they took £1 from every entry, regardless of Birds only or comp and put it in a high gun pot, that helped stem the flow of shooters not partiipating and brought some back into the fold.

So if a similar system went into play and got a bit more to shoot for along with ground supplied refs, would that get more shooters interested??  

As Trap tech says, hard and fast rules for target setting and start with a level playing field should help...

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I think FITASC had it back in the 80's, but I could be wrong! As it is right now it's little more than single trap OT but with hold points according to peg number. I would love to see the old BALL TRAP come back. 

Anyway, who the hell is it that decides such things? AND....why don't they consult any of us grass roots shooters BEFORE they change


Committees Les and you no how that ends up !!!
Well even if I was good enough to shoot at some of these oversees events, wild horses would not drag me to a predominantly Muslim country these days! The potential security risks are just too great!
I cant believe you wont go to a Muslim Country .  .  :afro:

Personally I hate scoring and refing. I just like to chill out between rounds, not work! But that's just me of course. I would rather pay a little more and have someone else do it.
That's because your always miserable  :bye:

Looking at the number of entries at the last weekend's event it's little wonder changes are on the cards.

The competition shorterned to one day, just over 40 competitors and only 4 county teams, for the National Intercounties!

Looking at the number of entries at the last weekend's event it's little wonder changes are on the cards.

The competition shorterned to one day, just over 40 competitors and only 4 county teams, for the National Intercounties!
Well Jan, I guess the changes can't make things any worse mate!  :wink:

Looking at the number of entries at the last weekend's event it's little wonder changes are on the cards.

The competition shorterned to one day, just over 40 competitors and only 4 county teams, for the National Intercounties!
If it had been more central, maybe more counties and shooters would have attended, then you get counties like ours (Cumbria) where the county reps couldnt be bothered to organise a team, cos its not DTL or sporting......

If it had been more central, maybe more counties and shooters would have attended, then you get counties like ours (Cumbria) where the county reps couldnt be bothered to organise a team, cos its not DTL or sporting......
I agree that distance does seem to play a big part in things these days mate, it certainly does for me! Down this way we have suffered from poor attendance, especially in fast trap and Olympic skeet, mainly due to the lack of fast trap and Olympic skeet shooters in the county, but also a lot of guys do not want to travel too far.  :smile:


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