ABT Rule change?

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Exactly, no low birds but higher ones are even higher, left right targets not as extreme but target speed increased to near OT.

Scores seem to be down so lots of flok not used to it yet. Cant see what was wrong with original ABT (80s - 90s) before they started messing with it.
Ian I will never understand why they need to change things, I liked it as it was and thought it was a good stepping stone to OT. Just as I never knew why we moved from 32grm loads to 28 grm loads and then to 24grm. To me it was all nonsence and still is really. I never joined the tree hugging brigade who wanted less lead laying about, and as for the less recoil effects of lighter loads, well......to be honest I never really noticed much difference to be blunt about it. Quick 24grm shells can still have a stiff pinch, well depending on which ones you shoot of course. I do not believe that any of the changes have really had any benefits at all. :(

Agree I really liked the old style ABT. Personally I do notice a difference with 24g loads (spose it depends on your style and gun etc) and wouldnt want to go back to 32g apart from that they should put it back to what it was and leave well alone, they dont seem to ever meddle about with DTL do they ?

Agree I really liked the old style ABT. Personally I do notice a difference with 24g loads (spose it depends on your style and gun etc) and wouldnt want to go back to 32g apart from that they should put it back to what it was and leave well alone, they dont seem to ever meddle about with DTL do they ?
No DTL seems to be the same as it's always been as far as I know. There was mention years ago about banning auto's and pumps but not sure what happened with that. They were times when I saw some guys leave the line when an auto came onto the squad. :)

Yep I have done that in the 80s when autos were popular for DTL, ruddy stupid things pinging there cases against me parker hale :angry: they want banning as there is no need at all for them in any clay discipline as far as I can tell.

Yep I have done that in the 80s when autos were popular for DTL, ruddy stupid things pinging there cases against me parker hale :angry: they want banning as there is no need at all for them in any clay discipline as far as I can tell.
I really cannot see why anyone likes them, OK they are soft on recoil, but I think they handle horribly. But that's only my opinion of course. They may be better if the shells got ejected downwards rather than from the side. :(

Shot the new scheme a couple of weeks ago at Rugby with fairly disapointing score especially in the first squad when I expected the "springing teal" to be called as no birds.

ABT used to be my favourite dissipline but dont like the new scheme without the grass cutters, in my opinion they have spoilt what used to a good dissipline which was a good stepping stone leading from DTL to UT/OT.

Dont really know (does anyone?) why they had to meddle with it, the only reason I have heard so far is that some grounds could not get the old angles in, If that is the case are we about to see an upsurge in grounds holding ABT comps.? watch this space!!

I heard that as one of the reasons. As you say Alan Will more grounds now put abt on ? i doubt it so they may as well have left it alone


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