ABT Targets - Distance or speed?

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OK Phil I see what you mean mate, but I still don't know why any changes were necessary at all. You and I both shot ABT back in the 80's, it was good so why was it changed?
Progress matey. Gotta move with the times otherwise you're a dinosaur.

There's also those who can't shoot it well want it dumbed down so they can. They probably campaign to the ABT sub committee, who don't shoot it either, for change. Cynical? Moi?

Progress matey. Gotta move with the times otherwise you're a dinosaur.

There's also those who can't shoot it well want it dumbed down so they can. They probably campaign to the ABT sub committee, who don't shoot it either, for change. Cynical? Moi?
Sorry Phil but I'm in the dinosaur camp! I just wish that progress always meant improvement. Alas it is not always the case as we know. That old stepping stone from DTL to the fast stuff has now been made rather slippery!

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It is what it is so we will just have to get on with it but i will be concentrating solely on OT next year.

It is what it is so we will just have to get on with it but i will be concentrating solely on OT next year.
I know what you mean. It's funny but I don't recall DTL ever being changed, I wonder why? Looks like DTL may be the only thing left around here by the end of this year!!!

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I had a chat to Bob Kibblewhite, Chairman of the CPSA's ABT Sub Committee, on Sunday 23/03 and he hadn't heard anything about proposed changes to ABT and he said he'd try and find out what's going on. 

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I had a chat to Bob Kibblewhite, Chairman of the CPSA's ABT Sub Committee, on Sunday 23/03 and he hadn't heard anything about proposed changes to ABT and he said he'd try and find out what's going on. 
So where did these rumours start from Phil?

CPSA October Board meeting minutes exert.

Poor old Bob might have forgotten that he raised it..... :wink:

ABT Target Speed. 
RK informed the Board that this has now been floated to the ABT Discipline Panel and 
discussions were held on slowing targets down. This needs to be taken back to the ICTSC but 
more work is required first by the CPSA. John Nightingale wanted targets slowed down to 70 
mtrs. KN said that this had been tried about 10 years ago. GW advised that this must be 
discussed with the shooters and the panel, then put to the ICTSC if necessary. NF informed 
everyone that the new CRM system will allow us to contact selected members more efficiently. 
KN stated that scores were noticeably better when speed was slower. NF said that he was 
aware of a possible new FITASC discipline to bridge the gap to help attract new shooters into 
ABT. More information to follow when available. 
TB advised that members are saying targets are too hard & too extreme. Alison Dupree had 
suggested leaving everything alone and letting it settle down as there had been too many 
changes in recent years. Panel views are mixed. NF said that he would get this added to the 
agenda for the next ICTSC meeting. 
Cpsa December board minutes....exert...(but does not state who is saying it).
Matter Arising (1st
 October 2013):- 
ABT Target Speed 
This had been discussed at the recent ICTSC meeting and it was agreed to leave the speed as 
it is to allow more time for it to settle down. 


You could not make it up could you.

Memories.....such treasured things ..... :laugh: Mind you it is a long time since October :wink:

I cannot remember much either.....but i know where to look to check and answer a question that i have been asked ...or asked.... L. O. L.

Any ABT shooters been contacted by the new CRM system.......I have not....but then it is only 6 months ago since the suggestion was made :laugh:

I have got to the point were I am not bothered what they change in any discipline I am not concerning myself over it or the wind or the light for that matter, I am just going to shoot whatever pokes its self out of the trap, like I used to do. JOB DONE.

Phil.....and anyone......

Who has heard of this new FITASC discipline mentioned...... " NF said that he was 

aware of a possible new FITASC discipline to bridge the gap to help attract new shooters into 
ABT. More information to follow when available. "
Peter Croft attended a FITASC meeting of Federation Presidents in September 2013 to discuss changes to UT following the mass resignation of the Technical Commission, which included me.

He suggested to J-F Palinkas that FITASC might wish to take over Automatic Trap (effectively ABT) which the ISSF no longer supported.

He was due to modify the ISSF rules to make them suitable for FITASC, so it'd slot in below UT.

When I spoke to him a few weeks ago and asked for a set of his draft rules he hadn't done it. No surprise there!

Peter Croft attended a FITASC meeting of Federation Presidents in September 2013 to discuss changes to UT following the mass resignation of the Technical Commission, which included me.

He suggested to J-F Palinkas that FITASC might wish to take over Automatic Trap (effectively ABT) which the ISSF no longer supported.

He was due to modify the ISSF rules to make them suitable for FITASC, so it'd slot in below UT.

When I spoke to him a few weeks ago and asked for a set of his draft rules he hadn't done it. No surprise there!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oooooh Mr P will not be happy with the new recruit. :wink:

There'll be plenty of chat from the prospective new board member but sadly not a lot of doing. I speak from many years experience.

:laugh: Mon dieu..!!

Tears before bedtime :laugh:

Peter Croft attended a FITASC meeting of Federation Presidents in September 2013 to discuss changes to UT following the mass resignation of the Technical Commission, which included me.

He suggested to J-F Palinkas that FITASC might wish to take over Automatic Trap (effectively ABT) which the ISSF no longer supported.

He was due to modify the ISSF rules to make them suitable for FITASC, so it'd slot in below UT.

When I spoke to him a few weeks ago and asked for a set of his draft rules he hadn't done it. No surprise there!
so possibly ending up with what we had 20 yrs ago. Now some of us could at this stage say something on the lines of we told them so, but we wouldnt do that would we les.

Please mister can I have my ball trap back? When I was at the county ABT champs on Sunday I heard a good few derogatory comments about the current ABT. Yes the weather was awful which is fair enough and that did not help anyone of course, but there was some real anger shown by some people about what ABT has become. I hope the powers that be ask me for my opinion on the subject ,but I'm not a top shooter so I guess they wont even bother with a miserable old bugger like me!


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