Oh yes I would!!!!!so possibly ending up with what we had 20 yrs ago. Now some of us could at this stage say something on the lines of we told them so, but we wouldnt do that would we les.
Oh yes I would!!!!!so possibly ending up with what we had 20 yrs ago. Now some of us could at this stage say something on the lines of we told them so, but we wouldnt do that would we les.
I suppose we must accept that many shooters havent been shooting as long as we have and dont know what "proper" ABT is so it is of no concequence apart from the fact that many will be scared off having had a go and ended up with a miserable score particularly DTL shooters which historically is were the majority of ABT shooters come from, they are not used to dealing with such low scores an WILL run for the hills. I and I expect many other hard core ABT shooters just wont be beaten by it so we will just have to knuckle down. But having said that very soon ABT will be as rare as DR because if few shoot it grounds wont put it on and it will dissapear without trace. The only way it will survive is if AA and A class DTL shooters have a go and can hit 80 any less than that as an opening have a go score and they wont cope with it. Those of us that want really demanding targets have OT.Please mister can I have my ball trap back? When I was at the county ABT champs on Sunday I heard a good few derogatory comments about the current ABT. Yes the weather was awful which is fair enough and that did not help anyone of course, but there was some real anger shown by some people about what ABT has become. I hope the powers that be ask me for my opinion on the subject ,but I'm not a top shooter so I guess they wont even bother with a miserable old bugger like me!
one of the reasons I went over to abt in about 92 and apart from the occasional dtl did nothing else for many years was that as a pretty poor dtl shooter I found I was hitting as many abt targets all be it with the occasional 2nd barrels than I was dtl targets this I found suited me really well, this I fear would never be the case now.Ian our views mostly agree and they certainly do when it comes to abt. The average shooter can nearly always hit a fairly reasonable score at dtl, it was once the case the a half decent dtl man could do quite well when first attempting the old abt. The new abt basically eats people alive, it is in effect as hard as ot ,it has the speed and distance of ot, buy with less severe angles as we know. Therefore if one wants to shoot really difficult targets, then ot must be the way to go, at least everyone gets the same target and therefore it is also fairer than abt
Classic bureaucratic growth process. Screw with a functioning system until it is perceived as ineffective and then propose an expansion to resolve the problem!Phil.....and anyone......
Who has heard of this new FITASC discipline mentioned...... " NF said that he was
aware of a possible new FITASC discipline to bridge the gap to help attract new shooters into
ABT. More information to follow when available. "
Not quite so. The shooting positions will be as UT. There's a lot of UT only ranges abroad, predominantly France, where they wouldn't have the possibility of extending the floor area for OT shooting positions or because of the positioning of structural roof supports etc. Obviously no problem on an OT range.so possibly ending up with what we had 20 yrs ago. Now some of us could at this stage say something on the lines of we told them so, but we wouldnt do that would we les.
CPSA December minutes raised my interest (Tink posted a clip earlier) so Bingled it and found minutes of WCTSA meeting on October which made reference to the ICTSC discussion on the subject of speed or distance. Not seen anything about reducing target speed or distance though until Tink's earlier post of the CPSA October minutes!ok Greg but where did you hear it?
It'll be interesting to see the average stats in a few months time.Furthermore
I could have a bad memory but I dont remember people coming off with scores of 14 and less 20 years ago even in high wind, and that is sometimes from ABT shooters not have a go sorts ?
this has to tell us something ?
Computer Software Term for Customer Relationship Management! :lol: :lol:CRM ? Suggestions on what that stands for ?
indeed it will jay, i suspect similar to last issue as few of us seem to have got any better at itIt'll be interesting to see the average stats in a few months time.
All I can say is that I seem to remember my first ever ABT score was 15 or 16. At that time I was often shooting 25 straights at DTL, so 15 or 16 at ABT was a bit of a shock, but it was enough to get me hooked, even though I still carried on with DTL for many years after that. Scores of 14 only happed to ABT novices in those days and they generally went up pretty quickly after a few shoots!Furthermore
I could have a bad memory but I dont remember people coming off with scores of 14 and less 20 years ago even in high wind, and that is sometimes from ABT shooters not have a go sorts ?
this has to tell us something ?