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Doctor Lecter

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2013
grantham lincs
just bought a Caesar gureni summit ascent    used shotgun   very nice too ,   stripped it down for thorough clean and grease ,  o n removing the pad   I discovered what looked like a mouse nest  up the stock bolt hole ,  bits of paper , rag , cardboard , 2 lines of washers taped with insulation tape and topped of with expansion foam !     took me ages to remove  it was packed in very tight .      ok gun shop owner cant be blamed ,  but the previous owner can ,   I weighed the debris  it was 4  0z      is that  going to gain a few kills ?    I doubt it . why do shooters tinker  ,  I'm sure most shotgun manufacturers  know a bit more about gun balance than most of us do !     I just think on selling the gun the owner should have removed the rubbish  to allow  access  to the stock bolt .   I was worried  the owner had reamed the hole bigger  so more rubbish could be crammed in  .   but it looks ok .   moral of the story   buy new    .  :angry:  

just bought a Caesar gureni summit ascent    used shotgun   very nice too ,   stripped it down for thorough clean and grease ,  o n removing the pad   I discovered what looked like a mouse nest  up the stock bolt hole ,  bits of paper , rag , cardboard , 2 lines of washers taped with insulation tape and topped of with expansion foam !     took me ages to remove  it was packed in very tight .      ok gun shop owner cant be blamed ,  but the previous owner can ,   I weighed the debris  it was 4  0z      is that  going to gain a few kills ?    I doubt it . why do shooters tinker  ,  I'm sure most shotgun manufacturers  know a bit more about gun balance than most of us do !     I just think on selling the gun the owner should have removed the rubbish  to allow  access  to the stock bolt .   I was worried  the owner had reamed the hole bigger  so more rubbish could be crammed in  .   but it looks ok .   moral of the story   buy new    .  :angry:  
WHY buy new  ??    now the balancing mechanism has been removed, it will probably have devalued the gun even more, BUT,  you will not take a ruddy great drop after the initial love job has soured and you part company with it,  as you most certainly would have done had it been new  !

Gun Balance is subjective,people prefer different things.

Also unlikely that 2 guns would be exactly the same due to wood density etcetera.

My 2 most recent guns from totally different manufacturers have both needed a couple of ounces to balance on the pin....2x20g cartridges cut off just before the end of the wad worked perfectly ;)

Which is why I ended up with an 'adjustable comb' thing. All of that scrap iron on top of what is a rather nice bit of wood, just managed to balance the whole gun up. It feels 1lb. lighter than it's true weight.

WHY buy new  ??    now the balancing mechanism has been removed, it will probably have devalued the gun even more, BUT,  you will not take a ruddy great drop after the initial love job has soured and you part company with it,  as you most certainly would have done had it been new  !
its the only way to avoid someone's attempt at gunsmithing  , look on the used gun racks  full of  altered guns   that aint worked ! 

when I was young and fit (many years ago) I bought a browning 325,  still think it was the best gun I  ever bought. however being a hulk it wasn't quite heavy enough for me so I had a piece of copper tube thyat just slid into the bolt hole of the stock and filled it with lead about 1/2 a pound . I found it was a vast improvement to my handling of the gun had a lot of success with it. had due to circumstances stop shooting and moving on 20 years when I picked the gun up again  it was just too heavy for me so dropped the lead out and used it as was,never got on with it after that now have a beretta semi with nice thick kick pad works a treat for me,

its what is right at the time for you  that maters not what someone else uses or reccomends

its the only way to avoid someone's attempt at gunsmithing  , look on the used gun racks  full of  altered guns   that aint worked ! 
Problem is there is no ' off the shelf' gun that will be a 'perfect' fit for everyone. My S x S was fitted by the makers back in the 70's, I still own and shoot the gun during the game season and have derived so much pleasure from shooting with a gun that surprises you if you miss (so to speak).  Trying to put that 'fit' into a clay gun, without going to the expense of a professional stocker or totally devaluing the gun by excessive alterations, is almost impossible. The outcome is, we do the best we can, to get the gun 'near enough', to enable us to hit a few. This is where gun sponsorship scores.

Problem is there is no ' off the shelf' gun that will be a 'perfect' fit for everyone. My S x S was fitted by the makers back in the 70's, I still own and shoot the gun during the game season and have derived so much pleasure from shooting with a gun that surprises you if you miss (so to speak).  Trying to put that 'fit' into a clay gun, without going to the expense of a professional stocker or totally devaluing the gun by excessive alterations, is almost impossible. The outcome is, we do the best we can, to get the gun 'near enough', to enable us to hit a few. This is where gun sponsorship scores.
This is why I shoot a Blaser. Incredibly a conversation in Germany went “So, lets make our standard gun just right for an overweight man of 6’1”, who has long arms”. It fits me perfectly right off the shelf. Lucky. 

I heard another conversation in Germany went " Let's make our Krieghoffs out of shot down Messerschmidts and make Harris suffer for the damage his Father did to the Faderland."

This is why I shoot a Blaser. Incredibly a conversation in Germany went “So, lets make our standard gun just right for an overweight man of 6’1”, who has long arms”. It fits me perfectly right off the shelf. Lucky. 
That would explain WHY I see so many shorter Blaser shooters who can not hit the proverbial cows bum.  Now I can tell em 'Yer behind it' with some authority, thanks Will.   :D

gun balance as important as gun fit and 3/4oz is normal to add

I have 3 1/2 oz in the back of my 725. There is a funny shaped slot in the back of the stock where the bolt hole goes through. Shaped a piece of timber to suit, them placed it in a plastersine mould, boiled up some shot lead and poured it on the mould. When cooled filed it down to a snugg fit. Does just the job.

4 and a bit oz of rolled up roof lead snug in the back of my mk38 as had stock  shortened.  Now balances just in front of hinge pin.  Not fancy but works and easy to remove if needs be.

Don't get too carried away with balancing guns on the hinge pin, Krieghoffs for example have a 25 mm longer action than many guns.

Ideally balance should be between the hands, although some prefer barrel heavy guns, it really is an individual thing that can influence your  ability.


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