Are semi autos okay now?

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Not sure if it was particularly safe or successful but this chap took to banging the stock on his thigh between the first and second shot, still jammed most times

Have not seen these massively unreliable big name semi autos, and here in the US we use them.  A lot.

The majority of semi auto unreliability that I have witnessed has been caused by operator error/non-existent maintenance.
Yes but don't you lot use 1 1/8oz (32gms for the rest of the world) cartridges?

Yes but don't you lot use 1 1/8oz (32gms for the rest of the world) cartridges?
We can, but many don't.  Pretty much every quality semi auto in our market meant for clay shooting (including Benelli) will run reliably with 28 gram/1250 fps ammo.  And most will work with 1200 fps 1 oz/28 gram loads after a short break-in period.

My personal 1100 will eat 28 gram 1250 fps loads all day long without a hitch.  I've seen the same with Beretta A400 Xcels, Browning Golds, Winchester SX3s, and the new Remington V3.

Anthony Matarese shot a Beretta 391 for years, switching only to a DT11 about 3-4 years ago when he became interested in making the USA team in OT.  Diane Sorantino, for as long as I have known about her, has shot nothing but Beretta semis (an A400 now) and neither of them would tolerate an unreliable gun.

Are semis as reliable as a good double?  Of course not.  But they are not that far away, in general.

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Not sure if it was particularly safe or successful but this chap took to banging the stock on his thigh between the first and second shot, still jammed most times
Perhaps he was a frustrated line dancer then  ?    :mosking:    

I have, in the past, suffered the clucking and tutting of some Trap shooters,  when I have been using my Remmie 1100 Trap semi auto. However I can remember watching a video of a young British OT shooter who admitted that her Coach had thrown empty shotgun cases at her in an attempt to upset her concentration. She was so well focused on the job in hand, it had no detrimental effect whatsoever. Some older Trap shooters PLEASE TAKE NOTE  !

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My auto has been very reliable, I keep it clean. I have only had 3 jams and they were all due to mis-shapen cartridges, they bulged at the end. I spotted quite a few in 2 boxes so I assumed it was a bad batch and saved the whole slab for my o/u.  Other than that it has shot perfectly.

I have seen more failed firings on o/u than semi autos in recent months.  

So basically then regardless of whether you’re a noob or not, at most grounds semi autos are frowned upon in trap but fine for skeet and sporting as long as you slip it between stands yes?

So basically then regardless of whether you’re a noob or not, at most grounds semi autos are frowned upon in trap but fine for skeet and sporting as long as you slip it between stands yes?
Over the last 5 or 6 years I've ref'ed at a lot of sporting shoots and of course there are always a few semis at any given shoot. I would say that there are proportionately a few more problems - usually jams - with semis overall, but not by much. It may just be coincidence but I have the impression that they're more troublesome in damp humid weather or when using the reduced length 67 or 65mm shells.

As for the empties... It's amazing how many people can hit a 4" disc flying at 60mph and 45 yards away but miss a 3ft bin 18" in front!

For some people who want to reduce weight or recoil due to physical limitations, a semi may be the only 12g option for them to be able to shoot 100 clays.

Over the last 5 or 6 years I've ref'ed at a lot of sporting shoots and of course there are always a few semis at any given shoot. I would say that there are proportionately a few more problems - usually jams - with semis overall, but not by much. It may just be coincidence but I have the impression that they're more troublesome in damp humid weather or when using the reduced length 67 or 65mm shells.

As for the empties... It's amazing how many people can hit a 4" disc flying at 60mph and 45 yards away but miss a 3ft bin 18" in front!

For some people who want to reduce weight or recoil due to physical limitations, a semi may be the only 12g option for them to be able to shoot 100 clays.
Thanks for that. Yes that’s me I have a slightly iffy shoulder so would much prefer an auto, I’m not too fussed about trap so that’s ok, and I’m years away from worrying about cartridges so I’d just find one that works the auto and stick to those. As for the empties I guess I just pick them up and put them in the tub.

I stopped shooting about 12 years I'm back.

Back then, one hardly ever saw semi autos (frowned upon) but now there seem to be quite a few around.

Are they more acceptable now?
I use my Xcel 400 once a week for sporting without any problems. So go for it.

Semi auto's are the spawn of the devil 👿. They should be piled up on top of pump actions and burnt in a ritual sacrifice. The owners should be flogged.  :)
I'll use your bi line "Get a life get a Beretta"..........semi auto, it's what fun is all about. Gosh are we allowed  to have fun when clay shooting? :hunter:

Semi auto's are the spawn of the devil 👿. They should be piled up on top of pump actions and burnt in a ritual sacrifice. The owners should be flogged.  :)
I'll use your bi line "Get a life get a Beretta"..........semi auto, it's what fun is all about. Gosh are we allowed  to have fun when clay shooting? :hunter:

I use my Xcel 400 once a week for sporting without any problems. So go for it.
I been seriously looking at the 400 Xcel (black edition) and noticed a sticker on the case saying to only use 32g cartridges, is that just Beretta being belt & braces or with it actually fail on 28g?

I been seriously looking at the 400 Xcel (black edition) and noticed a sticker on the case saying to only use 32g cartridges, is that just Beretta being belt & braces or with it actually fail on 28g?
I wish I had waited for the black edition. It really looks a 'cool' semi. (spoken as an ex handgunner). It was suggested that I shot some 32 g cartridges when I first bought it but never did and there have been times when it hasn't cycled e.g. with Lyalvale English Sporter 28g. I have found all other 28s OK. Right now I use Trust sporting 28s which are OK and Hull Superfast 28s. They are indeed very fast and some of my best scores (for me that is) have been with these. Also tried Gamebore Super Steel which worked OK. Buy the Black Edition!!

I wish I had waited for the black edition. It really looks a 'cool' semi. (spoken as an ex handgunner). It was suggested that I shot some 32 g cartridges when I first bought it but never did and there have been times when it hasn't cycled e.g. with Lyalvale English Sporter 28g. I have found all other 28s OK. Right now I use Trust sporting 28s which are OK and Hull Superfast 28s. They are indeed very fast and some of my best scores (for me that is) have been with these. Also tried Gamebore Super Steel which worked OK. Buy the Black Edition!!
Excellent, thanks.

..and yes I probably will! 👍🏻

I'll use your bi line "Get a life get a Beretta"..........semi auto, it's what fun is all about. Gosh are we allowed  to have fun when clay shooting? :hunter:

I'll use your bi line "Get a life get a Beretta"..........semi auto, it's what fun is all about. Gosh are we allowed  to have fun when clay shooting? :hunter:
You sure are allowed to have fun while shooting. As lo g as it's done in a safe way. And you are also allowed to have fun on forums with a little fluffy rabbits. It's what forums are all about. :)

OH do you have to be safe? Well, I would never have thought so and I have never shot s fluffy rabbit in my life. :hunter:  with my semi auto!

Shot mine yesterday not one word of complaint from anyone,then again i wouldn't have given a toss if there was.

Witnessed one group with a female beginner shooting an o/u l/handed she ejected the cartridges into every referees face all the way round..every single cartridge she fired,good job they were volunteers had they been experienced i would have no doubt they would have had words!  :no:

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I stopped shooting about 12 years I'm back.

Back then, one hardly ever saw semi autos (frowned upon) but now there seem to be quite a few around.

Are they more acceptable now?
horrid rat trap things spitting empties everywhere !   AVOID !

Shot mine yesterday not one word of complaint from anyone,then again i wouldn't have given a toss if there was. 

Witnessed one group with a female beginner shooting an o/u l/handed she ejected the cartridges into every referees face all the way round..every single cartridge she fired,good job they were volunteers had they been experienced i would have no doubt they would have had words!  :no:
"Shot mine yesterday not one word of complaint from anyone,then again i wouldn't have given a toss if there was." Way to go, like your attitude :hunter: .my emoji shows my attitude on the subject  of semi autos. Onwards and upwards!

Ye Gods  those  an O/U and even worse much worse S/S shooters discarding their cases all over the English country side without thought for others. At least we caring semi shooters deposit our spent cases in neat piles for the ground staff to clear up..........(stand by for reaction) :hunter:

horrid rat trap things spitting empties everywhere !   AVOID !
Yeah, yeah, OH so much fun :hunter:
