ASSC & Delta Challenge

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Feb 29, 2012
Hi guys!

I thought I’d just bring you some news from across the pond. Over here in the USA there is a new organization called the ASSC (American Shooting Sports Coalition).

This organization is trying to rival the NSCA, and really push shooting as a sport. I believe that their ultimate goals are to create a sport that would be likened to golf, with it’s own professional league. One of the ways that they are looking to do this is with the use of extensive media coverage to encourage sponsors from both in and outside of the shooting industry. This year they are running 4 shoots under the title of the Delta Challenge. Over these 4 shoots there will be a total of $1,000,000 of prize money.

I thought this might be of interest to some of you so check it out!


Good man Tris. Sounds great.

Always good to try new things.

I bet the 'old guard' love you :cool:

Welcome aboard.

I bet some of our top shots would be up for the trip. :wink:

How are you getting on out there Tris, have you found any OT grounds or not?

Have you decided about the Waterloo Cup yet........will you be back?

Just posted your link on my FB page.

Big kiss and see you soon. :cool:

Hey Nic how are you?

I think there would be a lot of people up for doing it. They have created a new class called Elite which is above what we would call AAA or Master over here.

I’m not sure about the Waterloo Cup or the Worlds yet. If I can get off and afford it then I will definitely try and do it. I’ve gone back to shooting Sporting at the moment. I’ve got out a couple of days and done two competitions. Managed to win AA in one and HOA in the other so going ok. Shooting over here is more expensive than in the UK and it’s taking a while to get my head around the different systems and shells. 32 gram are great though completely different brands to the UK! How are you shooting? Just doing ZZ or still mixing it up?

Big kiss to you too.

Hey Tris good to hear from you mate! Hope things are going well for you mate.

Sounds like an amazing competition!!!

Do you know how they work the classing system???


Still mixing it all up, shooting various disciplines.....master of none :cool: especially that bloody OT!!!

Hey Tris I have just started a 'Friends of International Helice' email list so message me on facebook with your US email and I will add you to it if you want.

It is open to anyone and it is where 'we the shooters' can keep each other informed on what is available (competition wise) to shoot internationally.

I decide to set this up because when I sent the details of the Waterloo Cup to Sandie, to be added to the BICTSF Helice calendar like we have done last year, it was kicked back saying that the 'Helice sub-committee' (whoever they are???) have voted (presume on our behalf.....although we never see or hear and minutes from it)........ not to add the French dates :D ....they are only going to show the UK dates and the World and European dates. :D How bizarre is that???? :lol: I mean there are World Cup dates that people need to know about, plus other good events like the King's Cup, the Perazzi Grand Italia etc etc.

This is a bizarre way of promoting and expanding Helice??????

So with this new email system we hope tobe able to share the information quickly and accurately to anyone who is interested in Helice. We get to hear next to nothing here in the UK......and it is always weeks later than the rest of Europe. :D

Hi Glen I’m well thanks buddy, how are you? You still living in Germany? When you ask about how they do the classes for the Delta, what exactly do you mean?

Nic the OT is hard, got to be the hardest discipline I have ever shot by a long way! I will send you my email, it hasn’t changed though, still the same as my UK one.

With regards to the BICTSF not publishing the dates I think that is daft. The Helice crowd and calendar in the UK is very limited and I’m sure most of the shooters would appreciate having the information handed to them as opposed to having to scour the internet for it. That’s one of the problems we have in the UK people are often too short sighted to try and improve the future of the sport. I think that is what the ASSC and the Delta shoot are trying to change.

I think the email system sounds a great idea. I meant to ask you ages ago how are the entries for the Helice shoots at the moment? Is it still growing?

Yeah good mate I am back and forwards between UK and Germany at the moment! Work and all that boring stuff! ;-)

I see they have classes like A-E or something as well as the Master Class and I was just wondering how they determine what class you will be in if you take part!

Mind you, you have to have a lot of cash burning a hole in your pocket to do it! :)


How's work going? Doing much shooting over there? They will have Elite, Master(AAA), AA, A, B, C, D and E. AA seems more like our A class. For the most part it's pretty similar to ours except that they have a few more classes probably due to the larger number of shooters. I don't know how they determine it, what CPSA class are you? When I changed even though I was AAA they put me in D but I declared as AA which is the highest class you can declare in. Yeah you do have to have some serious cash or a lot of confidence in your ability over everyone elses.


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