Baggers...How, Why, When? Truth or Fiction?

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Yep - I agree... the classification system works well on the whole and gives a good indicator for people that want to improve, and want t have something to aim for. For me going home pleased with MY results, means being able to compete against people of a similar ability to myself (admittedly not very good :) ) - and the class system does a great job of that.

I know that most of my local club shoots are hopelessly dull - at least registered shoots ensure that I am shooting against a standard of targets that challenge, and a group of shooters that are measured the same way.

Personal progress is a personal thing, not scores on the doors. Scores on the doors is an egotistical achievement.
Rubbish. Nothing egotistical about measuring yourself against a) a standard and B) other shooters...

Rubbish. Nothing egotistical about measuring yourself against a) a standard and B) other shooters...
Totally agree matt,i remember i started shooting clays at a local unregistered ground,targets were virtually same week in week out , got quite good at that ground and was up there 1st 2nd or 3rd everyweek against the same shooters, hitting between 80 -89 (highest) most weeks,then i went to my first reg shoot at longridge what a come down,49 :cry: :cry: :cry: ,so i joined wctsa and started shooting different registered grounds, and slowly raising my scores was far more satisfying than shooting the same shoot against the same shooters,you get a truer picture of exactly how good you are against all the others shooters even if their in a higher class than you. Had class wins in all classes on my way up through c,b,A, just one more to conquer now as i,m in AA, and money aside i do find getting a class win very satisfying what ever class your in.

What makes you think registered shooters give a toss about what other people think? :huh:

Just because you're not competitive, there's no need to start slagging anybody that is.

The classification system is a far better indicator of personal progress than your plugging away at the same old club targets will ever be.
But what would you do if your scores weren't recorded and available for others to see. My club and all the others I shoot at put on different targets each and every week, we enjoy our shooting.

My club and all the others I shoot at put on different targets each and every week, we enjoy our shooting.
Good for you - I prefer the classification system, and any others do - doesn't make our view any less valid than yours.

Like Optima, I was hitting 60/70 week in week out at local clubs, decided I wanted a bit more of a test, started shooting registered and went back to 40/50 - 18 months later I have got back up to 60/70 most weeks - the tougher targets have made me learn quickly, and the taxonomy of the class system gives ME enjoyment.

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But what would you do if your scores weren't recorded and available for others to see. My club and all the others I shoot at put on different targets each and every week, we enjoy our shooting.
I enjoy my shooting! You don't have the monopoly on that.

The point is that my scores are recorded for ME to see. I know that's difficult for you to grasp, but if you really make an effort, you might be able to get it.

If you just want to bumble about, then get on with it, and let the rest of us do what we enjoy. Kinnell.... <_<

Save your breath now - Les's account is suspended until he gets a proper name back on his profile.

P M S L .........twice.

:D :D :D :D

Too much excitement for one to the land of nod with my big teddy!!

Come here teddy.....have I got a surprise for you!!!

You bigshots; shooting "registered" targets to show off.... You make me sick.

Wait till they shoot bad all year, then win the Classic and retire on the riches. See whos laughing then....

I have got the shooting bad all year bit down to a fine art, I just need to work on my win at the end now. ^_^

okay enlighten me someone. was just looking at the keggy scores from last week and there are only 202 official scores registered. yet my own card was num 229 and mrs jasper 230. answers on a postcard please to CPSA HQ bisley camp..................

okay enlighten me someone. was just looking at the keggy scores from last week and there are only 202 official scores registered. yet my own card was num 229 and mrs jasper 230. answers on a postcard please to CPSA HQ bisley camp..................
And i spoke to someone who was 240 something
There were approx 285 shooters over the weekend .the unofficial 85 would of been re-entries/non reg'd cpsa birds only shooters...they still get a card number

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And people who haven't handed their cards in for whatever reason, I know there were a few shooters who didn't bother finishing due to the long waits who wont of handed their cards in although they are still supposed to

how many would have re-entered for a3-4 hour wait?????hope the others had a day pass .


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