Beretta dt11

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Beretta ASE90


Beretta ASE Gold


Beretta DT10 EELL


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Interesting comment Darkside ! Why ? Just the looks don't appeal to you?

I have a number of friends who have  bought DT10 EELL and it has transformed their shooting, everyone of them actually shoots better with them than any previous gun they have had. ALL comment about the weight and balance being good.

The EELL is just better engraved/better wood, which like Darkside, I am not too fussed about either...not on a clay gun.

Interesting comment Darkside ! Why ? Just the looks don't appeal to you?

I have a number of friends who have bought DT10 EELL and it has transformed their shooting, everyone of them actually shoots better with them than any previous gun they have had. ALL comment about the weight and balance being good.
It's just the look I'm not keen on. The side plates are a bit 'bling' for my taste...

I do agree they feel nice and balance well.

It's just the look I'm not keen on. The side plates are a bit 'bling' for my taste...

I do agree they feel nice and balance well.
I agree. I dislike sideplates. They just look naff, don't know why. Unnecessary tarty embellishments :yell:

Is it not also a side plate gun? Reasonably big difference?
Well yeah, it is a sideplate, to give more room for engraving and to give it the "elite" side lock look...doesn't make it shoot better nor is it mechanically different.

I love beautiful guns, don't get me wrong...sideplates are a cheaper and more reliable way of having lots of engraving on your gun and sidelock guns are awesome...but not on a clays gun..not for me anyway. 

My father in law has just bought a DT10 L 30'' sporter, very nice gun apart from the red foresight beed, I prefer a nice white one (but thats the only fault I can pick)  His has the schnabel forend, i've seen other sporters with the beavertail or london fore end, is there any pattern or reason to the different ones or was it just however the dealer ordered them?

Johnny, the red bead can be changed to a white bead in seconds.
Yeah I understood it that there was usually a selection in the case with a DT10. I would love to be able to afford a DT10 or 11 in any format, plain action would do me.  Always been a fan of Browning/ Miroku's, but I think a DT would quite easily cause me to stray.  A man can always dream!

Yeah I understood it that there was usually a selection in the case with a DT10. I would love to be able to afford a DT10 or 11 in any format, plain action would do me.  Always been a fan of Browning/ Miroku's, but I think a DT would quite easily cause me to stray.  A man can always dream!
I had a pretty early DT10, just a plain black action with the Beretta logo in gold script, very nice and very plain. I shot it quite well over the five or six years I had it, after I'd had a shed load of stuff done to the stock and triggers! But I'm now back with the old faithfull again, as always!!!!!

Interesting comment Darkside ! Why ? Just the looks don't appeal to you?

I have a number of friends who have  bought DT10 EELL and it has transformed their shooting, everyone of them actually shoots better with them than any previous gun they have had. ALL comment about the weight and balance being good.
 Yes Pete, Ian (ips) has a DT10 EELL and he loves it, shoots well too by all accounts!

I've handled a few DT11 trap guns now, not too keen on the blue stripes, but has anyone actually shot a DT11 trap gun yet? If so what do you reckon? 

I have no problem with anyone not liking sideplate we all have different tastes however do not think that the Eell is merely a 10 with some extra engraved bits the extra 6k (list) on top of the std 10 gets you a whole different gun. Obviously you get the engraving for those of us that like it then you get much nicer wood with different palm swell and different dimensions, the stocks are individually balanced in fact the whole thing is better assembled than the 10.

The Eell shoots totally different also the balance is so refined that the swing is very smooth and requires a more positive and committed technique in fact compared to the 10 it could be considered slow.

I have had many beretta Incl 4 dt 10s of various styles and consider the 10s hard to shoot and will take control of you if your not careful whereas the Eell is a more forgiving gun but you have to show it who is boss.

Hope that clarifies things.

Ps, obviously i love sideplates and receive many comments of how pretty it is, no one seems to comment on me poor old 10 though :)

I've handled a few DT11 trap guns now, not too keen on the blue stripes, but has anyone actually shot a DT11 trap gun yet? If so what do you reckon?

from what darky has said about the handling characteristics in the past it sounds to me that it shoots similar to eell this i assume is due to the extra weight in the action and therefore between the hands that both models share. So if you want a blingy tarts gun buy a eell if you prefer a modern style with a stripe buy an 11 job done :)


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