Absolutely agree Julesy. Bang on the money. (no puns intended :wink: )
So this means that those of us that are not in CPSA, can't shoot in that comp without paying for something we can't possibly win?
I somehow feel that the pockets of plenty of ground owners will be considerably lighter if this is the case. I shoot in the reg comps at Orston (amongst others) as often as I can, always BO because even if I am High Gun (just hang on till I stop laughing) I get diddly squat because I am not a member of CPSA.
The other side of what this infers is that every clay shooter must be in CPSA?? I am sure that the likes of BASC would not support this stance, and not many of us recreational shooters can afford to be in both. If you can then fair play, enjoy. If we are then faced with the choice of "you can only shoot in comps if you are in the CPSA, or only use non reg grounds" and are considering whether to join said organisation, with all the talk (on here and other places) of the ridiculous state it is in, why on earth would we? Get on board a sinking ship? Or even one that appears to have no Captain at the helm?
Not for me ta.
So the way forward? See Julesy!!