British open sporting 2024

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I shot is yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lovely setting and as Chippy said great variety of targets. Everything ran very smoothly too. Some subtle target setting, easy to get caught out if you are not careful.
I shot yesterday (Friday) shot 2 below my average which I wasn't too upset about. Kicking myself about a card full of 7's though. Only straighted 2 stands, only other bad stand was the overhead and orange looper missing 3 of the overheads and 1 looper. Thought it was an outstanding course though. Good use of colours and midis, excellent mix of targets from close and tricky to big distance crossers along with big drivens. All in all a shoot not to be missed and an excellent job by ejc.
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A very enjoyable course.

Such a shame we have to put up with the cpsa's pitiful coverage of every final. No youtube livestream of the sportrap final then a 2hr wait for the results.

We're now waiting on the sporting final. Who won the 6th place shoot off?! Who knows! They certainly won't tell us.

In this day and age social media should be bang on the money. Perhaps pinch a few quid from the annual piss up/award ceremony budget to help keep us plebs in the loop.

Edit: Just a thought, but couldn't the person who monitors their facebook page and deletes all the negative comments very quickly, be used in a more constructive way!

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I hear you. But in the past every attempt at some sort of live stream etc has been nothing short of shocking. Both in quality and content. So probably best not to bother.
We knew who had won from caesar guerini who had updated their feeds instantly to celebrate their shooters.

So yes something can be done.
Maybe a big wage to steal CG's IT support.
Young MrC Faulds has uploaded some content from the final shoot off, quality wise its as good as your going to get, in ones own opinion sporting clays is not really a spectacle that lends itself to being streamed.
I shot the course on Friday, probably the kindest day weather wise, thought it was an excellent and varied course, shot just above my average and managed to qualify for finals day. Shot the first 3 stands like a world champion and the rest pretty much like the average shot that I am, one very poor stand, again enjoyed the occasion but I felt the course was a bit too similar to the previous days targets, overall 3 great days in sunny Yorkshire.
Clay shooting certainly isn't a spectator sport and viewing the clays isn't always easy but most of those involved will have friends and relatives who can't be present and would appreciate coverage of some sort. At the very least we/they'd know who's won in real time.

It's the same every year, a random teaser post which people comment on, asking for more details which then get deleted.

Young MrC Faulds has uploaded some content from the final shoot off, quality wise its as good as your going to get, in ones own opinion sporting clays is not really a spectacle that lends itself to being streamed.

His videos are how I usually watch these shoots / finals etc. Very good quality, but that's probably a double-edged sword - if you look at the typical quality of Youtube livestreams, because the video is more compressed / lower bitrate, you'd probably struggle to see the hits / misses compared to a properly recorded and rendered video like Charlie's.
You have got to wonder if the CPSA are really bothered about promoting our sport? A friend had a moan at me yesterday that he wished to change his day that he was booked into Swinton due to possible bad weather, answer was "Sorry we cannot do that due to being fully booked." He then complained that Richard Faulds had done exactly that ???????
Funny how we can all complain to our mates , but not to the CPSA who are actually the culprits.
You have got to wonder if the CPSA are really bothered about promoting our sport? A friend had a moan at me yesterday that he wished to change his day that he was booked into Swinton due to possible bad weather, answer was "Sorry we cannot do that due to being fully booked." He then complained that Richard Faulds had done exactly that ???????
Funny how we can all complain to our mates , but not to the CPSA who are actually the culprits.
I have complained in the past but was ignored and I know anything posted on social media is taken down sharpish.

I have a mate who was on the sportrap waiting list but was never offered a place at all. Another mate not on the list rang on the monday and was offered a place on both! Then when he shot the sportrap it was a 4 man squad.🤷‍♂️


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