Can my week get any worse :(

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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
We start the week with my colleague getting into my car with a dog poo on the bottom of her foot the size of an elephant's - get to work and start scrubbing the mat still have to scrub it again when I get home.

Then my daughter gets rejected for an interview at Oxford - on the cards really given the odds but she was still very very upset and decided to drink a rather expensive bottle of red wine on a completely empty stomach - I put her to bed, put a bucket next to her, she misses the bucket and brings up the entire bottle on her beige carpet.   Tells me she feels fine now and goes back to sleep leaving me to scrub as best I can.

Then her favourite cat has gone missing and we have not see him for over 48 hours and can't find him anywhere - this traumatises her during her Mock A level week and doesn't really make me feel too good either.

Then I get a call last night from the fraud dept of the bank, some ****** has used my card details several times over.  Luckily they believe me and I hope to get the money back but in the meantime I have had to cut up my card and I will wait for the new one to arrive.   Hope that is it for this week.

In the scheme of things I suppose the above is really not that bad, so much worse going on in the world just need to feel sorry for myself for a bit.

Hurry up Sunday I need my fix badly.

Sian, things can only get better. But please, if you have a parachute jump booked today, ring and cancel..

On the other hand - if you are planning to buy a lottery ticket today - can you let me know when and where, so I can buy the one before and after?

Seriously - hope your weekend improves...

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Crap week. Hope it gets seriously better quick..!!

Sian, it probably won't help how you feel, but my week is pretty awful too!! 

I have to work a full 5 days this week, my ironing lady is on strike so I have to do it myself, my cleaner has gone on holiday so my house is a pig sty, the car valet company at work has gone bust so my car is filthy, and the worst thing of all?  The shooting stool I bought in June is beginning to rebel at the weight I'm subjecting it to every weekend, so I have to buy a new one!

There's always someone worse off!!  :fie:

Sian, it probably won't help how you feel, but my week is pretty awful too!! 

I have to work a full 5 days this week, my ironing lady is on strike so I have to do it myself, my cleaner has gone on holiday so my house is a pig sty, the car valet company at work has gone bust so my car is filthy, and the worst thing of all?  The shooting stool I bought in June is beginning to rebel at the weight I'm subjecting it to every weekend, so I have to buy a new one!

There's always someone worse off!!  :fie:
Teepee you poor soul, my heart bleeds for you.


Sian and Teepee - if it is any help to make you feel better, I am being made redundant at the end of the year.  I still count myself lucky, others are suffering from failing health - now that is an issue.

Sian and Teepee - if it is any help to make you feel better, I am being made redundant at the end of the year.  I still count myself lucky, others are suffering from failing health - now that is an issue.
 I am sorry to hear that and yes you are completely and utterly right my complaints are just stupid apart from the cat, that is breaking my heart.  I hope you go on to better things and wish you the best.


I am OK - the payoff is great :gamer:   and hopefully I will pick something up in the New Year.  Hopefully the cat will turn up - ours used to go off hunting for days on end, but normally turned up eventually.  The carpet on the other hand - now that is serious.

:fie:  Yeah! Life is a bowl of sh** just when you get your head out of it onto the edge some big footed bas**** steps on your head and pushes it back in! :fie:   :fie:   :fie:  

:fie:  Yeah! Life is a bowl of sh** just when you get your head out of it onto the edge some big footed bas**** steps on your head and pushes it back in! :fie:
Tell it like it is Cyril! Don't hold back!  :biggrin:

You know I think you've missed your vocation. I see you more as a Motivational Speaker or possibly a Life Coach.

Ever thought about volunteering for The Samaritans?  :sarcastic:

If it's not one thing, it's another.

Still . . .


Look on the bright side,   

I'll be paying you a visit on the  25th :spiteful: :santaclaus:


:fie:  You think your week is bad?

I was walking through the park and I saw a guy hugging trees, what are you doing I said?  I'm measuring tree circumferences so that I can tell its age he said.. Can you teach me to do it? I said.

I put my arms around the tree and he slapped a pair of handcuffs on me!  He stole my rolex, wallet and credit cards, then he ripped my clothes off and beat me with a branch! then left me handcuffed to the tree!

I called  HELP! for over an hour before a guy in a pink shirt came along, I told him my story of being robbed and beaten, he then unzipped his fly and said "Its just not your F***ing day sunshine is it? :fie:   :fie:  

Update on cat - he is alive. His previous owner came to visit me and he has cat. He lives in the flats across from me so close at the back of my house really with gardens between us. It seems his friend let the kitten out three months ago and he never went back. Even though my other four cats are also his, one being the mother of said cat known as Tilly to me. They all go to and from our homes so they are true free spirits as cats are except for Leon known as Dave to him who does not like him anymore and does not go home - that's because he loves me better, a real mummy's boy. We had a good chat and showed pictures and he said he would give the cat back if I wanted him but his mother really did miss him. I said no he would be the legal owner but I would be the auntie. we have agreed the cats can come and go between us and if either is worried we can ring. So happy ending really :)


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