Can trap shooting be done without the need to be a robot

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Oh your right bloody trouble maker that philr

Pre shooting playlist:

Click click boom - Saliva

Boom,like that - Mark Knopfler

Blaze of glory - Bon Jovi

Post shooting playlist

Missing - Everything but the girl

Movin' too fast - Artful Dodger

No good - The Prodigy

Our velocity - Maximo Park

Slide away - Noel Gallagher

Self suicide - Goldie lookin chain

.......Note to self... It's Friday night....... Need to get out more.

An eclectic mix there Paul.

Can I add

East of Eden - jig a jig

Dave brubeck - take five

Barber - adagio for strings

Back on topic,i shot some ABT this morning and used a high gun hold, the trap was a bit on the slow side 10 to15 yards off the peg.The high gun hold made moving to the clay a lot les rushed but maybe due to the trap being slow,any way I did 23 then 19(got annoyed with no birds) then I did a round single barrel from peg3 for a 21 so very happy with todays outing but may find a wheel has fallen off when trying this out on proper OT speeds.   

Trouble is Paul as you know different grounds different layouts different lighting etc all make for different hold points. In the good old days I shot high for abt but with the current abt grounds using trench layout and traps generally further back means exit point very wide of mark I have lowered slightly but still above mark. Point being it's a case of trial and error on each layout but you know that already.

Funnily enough I have also recently lowered a bit for ot which has taken a bit of getting used to but a 93 today indicates that it's paying off
