Clay shooting as a none member of the CPSA

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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As in section 1.4 and 1.5 in the General Rules booklet Steve.
At all registered events organisers must, prior to the commencement of the event, display the following information:
a)The ‘Prize’ entry fee which must include the full amount to be paid back in prizes.
b)The ‘“Targets-Only”’ entry fee which must exclude the prize money stated above.
c)The amount to be returned to ‘Prize’ entrants only, which must be the exact difference between
a) and B) above and...
d)The amount of ‘Specified Sponsored Cash’, if any, to be paid to any winner.
At all County, Regional and National Championships not organised by CPSA Head Office, the same entry fee will apply to all participants. Grounds are not permitted to charge ‘green fees’ to non club members, nor to give their own members any discount. Any levies applied by official County or Regional Committees must be charged to all entrants.
“Targets-Only” entries will be permitted at all registered events, with the exception of certain events defined by the Management Board of the CPSA. “Targets-Only” competitors at all registered events, will enjoy the same rights and privileges as ‘Prize’ shooters, except that they will not receive ‘Prize’ entry money, but are eligible to win any trophies, titles or donated prizes (including ‘specific sponsored cash’), either as overall
winners or in their class or category.

Sorry but I can't see what Steve has done wrong...

CPSA Day Pass We don't encourage day passes for our registered competitions, which are either trap or skeet - not ESP. The day pass does not include public liability insurance for the day pass competitor, either from the CPSA or the ground.
How much revenue do you think you may be missing out on by running your ground for the benefit of CSPA members only?

Business must be good for you Wes during this recession to allow you to turn away shooters because they are not members.

Here's my take on it we run ( myself and Allison ) roughly 65 competition shoots a year , generally they are 100 bird reg but on occasions we run shoots as not reg , like the old fashioned "open" the first question we get asked is why are they not reg , we want to shoot reg shoots and I will say open entries will be less than reg shoot entries with exception to the classic and Essex masters

So for all the moaning about Cpsa people want their score reg , fact .

Prize money , we see a lot of non Cpsa shooters attend shoots and we let them shoot , but they pay birds only fee and are no way eligible for any prizes , high guns , sponsored or any other , we have had numerous talks with Cpsa on the subject and we find folks will shoot 5 or 6 times see results and prize money think I want a bit of that and join Cpsa

While I'm here can I just poke the hornets nest a little more please ?????

Who thinks Cpsa membership fee is expensive ??

Well something occurred to me the other day I use my local garage to buy magazines occasionally which cost £4.50each approx so if you bought pull mag @ £4.50 x 10 £45 so could argue membership fee is £20 year if you buy shooting mags anyway , I for one don't think that's too bad !!!!!

Doors open careful of low flying objects !!!!!

My CPSA renewal dropped through the door the other day so its made me think.  The cost is easily affordable, that is not the issue for me.  If the new Articles get through the only way left for me to make a protest and maybe have some small impact is to resign and to write and tell them why and that they are not fit for the job based on what has been reported on here. 

I have no high expectations for my shooting, I am a veteran who started late in life, but I enjoy it and mostly everyone is friendly and good company - I haven't met one who isn't yet, but there again I've not met any of the directors or the CEO!  I can therefore get enough shooting without being a CPSA member despite the lessening number of grounds here in the South West.  Even if my shooting took off I am not interested in shooting for money.  I can keep my own scores and enter in the appropriate class as the last thing I would want to be known as would be a sandbagger!

I have insurance elsewhere and the Pull magazine is not riveting enough to miss if I didn't receive it!

In the circumstances I ask what can the CPSA offer me other than unpalatable political shenanigans which will no doubt continue to be reported on here?  I will still get around to some shooting grounds who run registered comps but I can't get to many more due more to the time than the expense involved.

Comments welcome!

pete , firstly i was very surprised not to see your name on the shropshire team list for this coming sunday or are you a welsh member now !!!!!

i know exactly where you are coming from and we have had numerous conversations on this ( must say your comment about as much use as tits on a bull was hilarious ,still trying to get coffee stains out my shirt now )

BUT i judge things as i see it and as i see it reg shoot entrifs are growing year on year and thats a true fact and also major cpsa events ( sporting) are growing to what they were 5 or 6 years ago this one is probably down to choice of location of events more than anything but still the fact growing 

mis managment , can someone PLEASE tell me what we can do differently if we had other people in charge 

I want to know of some practicle work examples we could put in place because of all forum chat , board meetings , county meetings i aint heard any yet that we could do at head office level ( is it a case of british mentallity of all lets moan at the boss syndrome ) at region and county level yes some brilliant initatives coming out  , so please lets have some good ideas coming forward


How much revenue do you think you may be missing out on by running your ground for the benefit of CSPA members only?
Business must be good for you Wes during this recession to allow you to turn away shooters because they are not members.
Haha - very funny! Registered competitions on Sundays keep us on our toes, but our regular practice shooters, the other 4 days of the week, are our bread'n butter. We enjoyed hosting the South West DTL yesterday - a great bunch of shooters (97) turned out for a long day. It's good to enter a CPSA number on the Shoot Program and see that the membership is still valid - good for us as a ground, and security for fellow shooters.