cocker spaniel update

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Thanks sian

Tired out after walk this morning

Dog that is not me :)

She been really good new caravan still in one piece. So far ...

My dog isn't spoilt !!!

which is the dog !

what a lovely doggy,,, i always thought that ips was an old stuffy git,, obviously not if you love that girl so much ! i can forgive you for hating Jeans,,, what is her name ?,,,

btw, nice caravan.   :biggrin:

In that pick he looks like Lawrance Jones from Bamfords ....................he he he !

Cheers Jim

Lunar cosmos if your interested.

Her name is eze pronounced ezey

Cheers phil.

She is a lovely dog and getting on well with her new friend the German shep my mates dog in next caravan. Currently on weekend away at Kirkby Stephen. She is liking being on hols very relaxed as you can see.

Mrs ips and eze now asleep me in awning having night Cap and cigar

All is well with the world.

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Can't fault you mate. Look forward to meeting eze and you never know, introducing her to my 2

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Whenever you are shooting over this way we'll arrange a get together and few whicksies as they say. Maybe some food as well. Mrs ips on driving duty.


One man and his dog ...




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I can't turn it round.

Admin or dave HELP ..

Are those your old school pants ?

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