cocker spaniel update

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Dogs will really try hard not to foul their "own" space. BTW, the cage is a brilliant idea, gives the dog so much more comfort/confidence. It's her "own" space.

Others may disagree, but for me she shouldn't really need a coat. Can't see it doing any harm, but I'd say it's not really needed on a Spaniel. We have a Whippet and a Greyhound, they only have a single layer of fine fur, so they need the extra layer. But the coats are taken off when they are running about.  

As for the disinfectant, be careful as chemicals can seep into their paw pads (the soft fleshy bit) I have heard of problems with problems with the use of moss killer on tarmac areas. Not too sure if mild/dilute disinfectant would do the same, but worth thinking about?

A splosh of clean water would probably be sufficient.

Agree but you know what women are like :)

Ok thanks water it is then.


3rd night required one "shh" but this time at normal level not a stern one. Not a peep until 6am when we got her up.

She now goes in and out of cage for a look around in fact yesterday afternoon she went in and lay down for half an hour while Lynn was sat at the breakfast bar (the cage is under the breakfast bar) still wont go in unaided at 9-45pm as she knows that its bed time and door shut job. Not as clingy now, she will lie on her mat in front room (sometimes) rather than demanding she sit on us or between us on the sofa. Also she doesn't seem to need to "go outside" as often. I think all the above are good signs that she is settling in very well.

Little sod keeps nicking my slipper though :)

Told you. It'll be your shoes next !!

Just wait until you find one of your finest brogues soaking wet and chewed to bits in the back garden.



She has adopted an area of our back garden that is gravel as her toilet spot. After I have scooped it up is there a safe product to dilute in a watering can in order to disinfect the area ?

consider the 200ml concentrate then dilute as required and put in one of their decent sprayers.

Or buy above and the 1L ready to spray, then top it up.

I would go for the F10 SC. I use this for my snakes, it is what vets use.

The absolute BEST animal disinfectant.

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We can have an ABT dog walking club at selection shoots. We've had Milo a month today. A totally complete change to our lifestyle.


PS 23 FTCh in our boy's pedigree

Now that's one sweet little Spaniel! Nice one Ips. I'll show my wife those pictures in a minute, but I already know what her reaction will be. Your dog has 2 fans already. Keep us posted with your progress (good and bad!).

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

Ian, you may find that the "fuss" at bedtime is a bit of separation anxiety. This may also be why your slipper disappeared - it smells of you, her new dad.

Try wearing an old t shirt for 3 days and then putting it in the cage. If she can smell you then she may well settle.

Btw, one gorgeous dog mate. May you have many happy years with her.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

Cheers phil

Only first two nights were a problem after that not a peep all night. Good as gold at night a handful during the day, lots of walks and runs on field but never seems to tire until mid evening then tries to sit on sofa with us but we're putting a stop to that before it gets out of hand ;)

agree with the T shirt even did it when we got Fizz ferret as a kit, didn't stop the little bugger from 'sampling' me though. She has a thing for eyebrows (used to be ears) anyone need new piercings?

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 then tries to sit on sofa with us but we're putting a stop to that before it gets out of hand ;)
You can try!!





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Cheers phil

Only first two nights were a problem after that not a peep all night. Good as gold at night a handful during the day, lots of walks and runs on field but never seems to tire until mid evening then tries to sit on sofa with us but we're putting a stop to that before it gets out of hand ;)
She will soon pick up that you don't want her on the sofa. One of our two rescues (the whippet) had previously been allowed up. It's a rule in our house, no dogs on the furniture. He soon got the idea. No fuss, no shouting, just told him "Off" took a few go's for him to realise we meant it.

Thing is, you've got to do it all the time ie be consistent.

Some people say it's Ok, that's upto them. But for me, in the long run dogs are far more comfortable if they know for certain that they are not "in charge" They can just relax and be dogs instead of trying to "look after you" Letting them "up" with you lets them think they are (literally) on the same level.

Not sure if I have posted this before, but this is Jak our Whippet:



yes your right not that easy the little git jumps about like a gazelle. Won't be told but Mrs ips not helping as she falls for the sad face and says "ok just five minutes" ten minutes later there both asleep. I despair I really do :)


Totally agree no sofa no bathroom no bedroom. Give them an inch etc etc.


Sit sorted 90% of the time, stay sorted 70% of the time out to ten yards not gone further yet.

Pulls on lead and not sure I am going to be able to stop this as I have tried all the techniques available. If you put her on a 5m training lead she will quarter instinctively all the way up the lane so it seems to me that walking to heal is somewhat alien. Have struggled with retrieve so far as she will retrieve a dummy etc but then run past you round in circles etc, however .......

This mornings training session I had forgotten whistle and ball and she had chewed her Frisbee up two days ago. So bit of a scamper until we got to the top of our field then I threw her a stick, could not be bothered calling her in as there was no chance it was going to work so I stood there in silence waiting for the inevitable run around BUT what do you know she comes tootling back and drops the stick two feet from me then sits there, I throw stick again as it must be a fluke, stood there in silence didn't move or beckon or anything what do you know she comes back and drops stick literally on my foot then sits there. I give her a doggie biscuit treat and throw stick again. She returns with it sits right in front of me and gives me the stick. Bloody ell. I call it a day and rush back to tell mrs ips how bloody clever me and the dog are. It was like watching my daughters first steps or first cycle without stabilisers. Now I am not counting any chickens but !!

My theory is that whistling her in and or calling "fetch" and or "here" merely excites her and she keeps running, say nothing and she does what she knows she is supposed to. I cant think of any other reason ?

When I had my springer, it used to leg it, gone over two fields.

One day, quite by chance, I had in my pocket some doggy sauasge rolls in a really noisy bag , like a crisp bag, the dog was orrfff I rustled the bag and hey presto it was back at my side.

Same with walking every time it pulled the lead I rustled the bag, giving the occasional treat, it walked perfectly even off the lead, never ran off.

This worked for me, it was transformed into Top Dog.

Worth a try Ian.


Cheers rosso, I will give it a go.


She is brilliant off a lead she scampers off quartering in front of me but stops at about 15yds turns around and waits unless I tell her to "get on" She is without doubt much more clever than I. :)


yes same goes for all the females in my life :)


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