County Championships

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The down side is that with multiple counties holding a joint shoot then the levy is divided between them. So four counties with a £2 levy, 100 entries equals £50 for each county. A quarter of what they would have had with a sole championship. As a general rule I think sporting is fine and has few problems. You trap boys need to get your act together and sort it out as you clearly have major issues to tackle.
I can understand what your saying ,but we've held joint (three counties) selection /championship shoots and had much bigger /better shoots (people turned out because the shoots were bigger + the usual inter county rivalry) and decided to split the money equally  and all counties ended up with more levies than on a normal championship /selection shoot , although some said they thought each county should only take levies from their own county shooters ,and levies from shooters not in any of the three counties that were holding the shoots split equally . i dont think trap boys have major issues (not a trap shooter myself) i think there just happens to be a lot ,lot more sporting shooters than trap and other disciplines. especially when you consider sporting is sporting , whereas in trap shooting there are , DT ,UT, ABT ,DTL,DR, OT AND HELICE SHOOTERS and many( which is their choice ) to shoot their particular version of trap. 

There will always be disciplines that will not be as well supported as others ,but that does not mean they have problems or they're worse disciplines than the others it just means more people prefer a different discipline . i.e... I prefer Larger (Kronenbourg ) you might prefer Bishops Finger, its just a choice !! 

Our Sporting and Fitasc County Championships always have a good and meaningful attendance. This stems mainly from the fact that the county picks their inter-counties teams from the championships and does not pick them from the averages book or contacts list on their iPhone. If you don't have to shoot the county championship to get in the team then why bother?

My county is Somerset by the way, not Wiltshire.
Kent holds selection shoots for skeet and sporting which are well attended and raise valuable funds for the county. We have tried running them for the other disciplines but they were very poorly attended and those that did make it in to the team were never available to shoot for the county when required.

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Think that there are neighbouring counties that do double up on some of the trap events already, though with falling numbers in some events appreciate its difficult to entice new faces for a possible one off which is in itself a serious competition.
Quite right. If they didn't do this it wouldn't be viable for the grounds to hold these shoots.

We run championships for 5 different counties and 2 regions. If events aren't as well attended then we double them up, all the counties would rather put on a good event than worry about levies.

If the champs have small attendance then just issue a cloth badge for the winner and any existing trophy. It doesn't have to cost the county anything and who are we to say that a sporting or skeet shooter is more important than a UT shooter (for example). Everyone should be given the opportunity to compete at their chosen discipline.

What disciplines are popular is very much a postcode lottery and will depend on the ground and committee serving the area.

The only championships that really pay their way up here are English Skeet, DTL and Sporting. We hold other championships but, perhaps with the exception of Single Barrel, they're not that popular. The Olympic disciplines never get more than a handful of shooters. In fact, it costs county committee more in prizes than they make in levies!

It is indeed a worry that county championships are poorly attended, and very frustrating for the committee members and the grounds who put in the time pulling the events together. Although last weekend the Surrey DTL attracted a total entry of 21, slightly better that the UT?. But then DTL seems to be a popular event behind Sporting. One also has to bear in mind that grounds like the National Clay Shooting Centre are not going to support managing events if the attendances are going to be poor

The Surrey Committee for one do intend to review the event line up for 2014. Hopefully with the members input an agreeable structure can be sorted.

Anyone for UT county champ this Saturday at Owls Lodge???

Perhaps the lesser attended county championships should all be shot (assuming there is one for that discipline ) under the banner of the   Regional championships . Therefore all county and regional level results would all be concluded  in one event  , once again (hopefully ) a bigger and better shoot and as we all know shooters make shoots .,

Or if you have that few competitors you could for example shoot the UT in the morning and then the ABT in the afternoon or DT AND DR in a day .....fills the day out and more worth while going to if you shoot both disciplines 200 in a day ,fill your boots !!! even i might shoot it certainly enjoy shooting at Notts a few weeks backs E/O allround on Saturday B/O allround on the Sunday , Great fun shooting an allround and E/O and B/O back to back worth the 340 mile round trip and hotel bill !!

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i would love to have a go at the trap disciplines and if good enough shoot for my county but shooting a semi auto I am banned from the trap grounds so yet another barrier to particiapation

Living in Dorset were not going to have any where to shoot anyway and county championships will be no longer

apart from sporting over at Ians ground hopefully ??

If any Dorset trap shooters are interested take a look at Fareham gun club they offer Dtl, Ball Trap and skeet.

Living in Dorset were not going to have any where to shoot anyway and county championships will be no longer

apart from sporting over at Ians ground hopefully ??

If any Dorset trap shooters are interested take a look at Fareham gun club they offer Dtl, Ball Trap and skeet.
It's OK for you boys over in the east of the county mate! Fareham is on another planet as far as we in the west of the county are concerned! :laugh:

I'd love to know how to shoot for my County. I think I might have to wait for some people to move or maybe die, but it would be something to aim for. As I understand it you have to compete in the County championship and then get selected for the inter-county championship. Is that right?

Depends how your county works. Some, as you say work on using the county shoot as a qualifier, where as others work on who's numbers happen to be in the team managers i-phone.....

I'd love to know how to shoot for my County. I think I might have to wait for some people to move or maybe die, but it would be something to aim for. As I understand it you have to compete in the County championship and then get selected for the inter-county championship. Is that right?
Some counties do not field full teams because they do not have the people. So contact your local county. Get their chanpionships list and have a anything....and then tell them that you are available to shoot in the county team if they wish. Always looking for ladies. To give you an idea.....Berkshire last year fielded only a team for only 2 inter-counties....sadly because no one wanted to play.

So get on the may find yourself shooting in a county team faster than you think...!

It's OK for you boys over in the east of the county mate! Fareham is on another planet as far as we in the west of the county are concerned! :laugh:
your right Les most of the guys i shoot with are from your way. What with Axminster declassifing at end of year it looks grim

for trap shooters..

Back to sporting it looks like with a trip over to Brook Bank and Fareham every now and then.

your right Les most of the guys i shoot with are from your way. What with Axminster declassifing at end of year it looks grim
for trap shooters..
Back to sporting it looks like with a trip over to Brook Bank and Fareham every now and then.
Never tried axminster as they have no OT over there,but may have little choice in the end!
Everyone should support county shoots and majors. 96 entries for eo abt. 1040 entries apparently for this full bore imperial cup shoot been on all week at bisley, bit of a difference :(

Everyone should support county shoots and majors. 96 entries for eo abt. 1040 entries apparently for this full bore imperial cup shoot been on all week at bisley, bit of a difference :(
Simply put there are too many shoots and if you were to target everything and have some fun along the way - you would be out chasing all over the country every weekend. This is not likely to happen.

I would suggest that the simplest way is to combine events and counties (some do already) get together to form a "super event" - similar to the region shoots and have these as part of the bigger shoots.

Say the - West Midlands Regional Inter Counties Skeet is also the county Championship for EVERY county within the region. Even hold the "area" championship at the same time and if time allows hold the county SKD championships for EVERY county for that region the very same weekend at the same ground - make up "super shoots" to limit time taken up and travel / dates etc.

Do the same with all the disciplines - with the minority disciplines with smaller numbers taking part then - lump the county shoots onto the GB / ENG selection shoots where you are more sure of entries. If they are organised well enough then you could then do it region by region as you rotate around the selection shoots - maybe then getting newcomers used to the selection process and maybe encourage them to "try for the team" in the future?

Take UT for example - selection shoots at Beverley x 2, S.Counties, Rugby & District, NCSC, Nuthampstead - so well enough spread about - each region could hold its inter-counties / county championships combined with a major event at a different shoot meaning each ground would get a slice of the action. 

With time and finances tight for many maybe they are choosing to forfeit county championships to do other stuff - prime example - 28th July my county skeet championship, i will not be attending as i have a clash with a UT event that is important to my wife, i am choosing to support her rather than attend my chosen disciplines county championship. Would my view change if it was a "super event" teamed up with others - who knows but it would certainly be more likely.

Just a thought.....

But you are forgetting the thing that keeps the counties running and helping people....the levies....

At an English the levies go to CPSA at a British depending on discipline they go to GBR teams through BICTSF. Inter-county levies go to the Region and County levies go to the county......

Who will lose out....they cannot all have it......true story..!

But you are forgetting the thing that keeps the counties running and helping people....the levies....

At an English the levies go to CPSA at a British depending on discipline they go to GBR teams through BICTSF. Inter-county levies go to the Region and County levies go to the county......

Who will lose out....they cannot all have it......true story..!

surely a simple piece of admin.....

CPSA levies due go to them. 

Region levies due got to them.

county levies due go to them.

Every shooter who books in declares there county and region (and is checked by CPSA number) - if they are attending their respective regional / county event - then the levies are applied above. If they are not - delete as appropriate - not too difficult surely?


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