CPSA Championship entry fees for juniors

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Dog Tyred

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
Had a look at the entry form for the ABT English Open at Brook Bank in June and noticed that the only entry fee options were Birds only (£65) and Competition (£80). No mention of any fee for Juniors/colts etc.

Last year CPSA made a big thing of encouraging junior/colts to major champs and set the entry at £10 which was very welcome.

I contacted the CPSA to find out if there is a reduced entry for Juniors/colts and they have have now updated their website to include Juniors/colts at £40

Bit of a difference to £10 last year! So much for encouraging more junior/colt entries.

I have no doubt I will enter Harry and myself but blimey! Now I realise that some of you will not give a toss about my plight and will say why should juniors/colts get preferential treatment but bare in mind as the father of a colt I have to pay for two of everything else (accommodation, meals, cartridges, etc, etc) so it makes it a bloody expensive weekend overall.

Ho hum


PS: will anyone else on here be taking a junior/colt along to a major shoot?

Edit: sorry that should have read £40.50 for juniors/colts.  The £0.50 seems a bit random and should raise a further £10 overall??

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I've just booked into the British Open Sport trap and Sporting and the cost for juniors is almost 3 times what it was last year Why is this ? 

Hi Greg, shoot your regional team selections, get in team, get entry paid.



 Staffs should have an ABT Team. It is in the regional format.

Give Steve Ward a ring.

Reference Junior entry fees I understand that CPSA HQ were trying to keep prices down to encourage, but I also hear that we have made at least a £70,000 loss so far this year allegedly.

I think it's fair to say last years deal has cost them more than they could afford. Large discounts for juniors may be laudable but it has to be paid for somewhere. The costs cannot be passed onto the other catagories as they're the backbone of the organisation and the events they arrange. Alienating 90% of your membership is hardly good business sense.

It looks like its a nice idea that's been kicked into the long grass.

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East midland i think is what you come under Greg.


 Staffs should have an ABT Team. It is in the regional format.

Give Steve Ward a ring.

Reference Junior entry fees I understand that CPSA HQ were trying to keep prices down to encourage, but I also hear that we have made at least a £70,000 loss so far this year allegedly.

It is only Febrary..... How come a loss??

I think it's fair to say last years deal has cost them more than they could afford. Large discounts for juniors may be laudable but it has to be paid for somewhere. The costs cannot be passed onto the other catagories as they're the backbone of the organisation and the events they arrange. Alienating 90% of your membership is hardly good business sense.

It looks like its a nice idea that's been kicked into the long grass.
This is a fair point. I guess if the CPSA were in a position to do the same again I guess they would. It was a very good deal but all good things come to an end eventually.

I'll be there anyway.


East midland i think is what you come under Greg.

I wish it were. Deffo in the West Midlands region and the last time their website was updated seems to be 2012 and they don't seem to bother with inter county championships. By comparison the East Midlands seem to have a thriving county team in all disciplines and an up to date website.

Staffordshire appear to be struggling for Team Managers for fast trap and skeet and will not enter inter counties (or even arrange county championships) unless they can attract team managers!

I'd love Harry to shoot for his county as a junior but there is not even a senior team, let alone a junior one.

Guess I'll just have to pay the entry fee like everyone else!



I wish it were. Deffo in the West Midlands region and the last time their website was updated seems to be 2012 and they don't seem to bother with inter county championships. By comparison the East Midlands seem to have a thriving county team in all disciplines and an up to date website.

Staffordshire appear to be struggling for Team Managers for fast trap and skeet and will not enter inter counties (or even arrange county championships) unless they can attract team managers!

I'd love Harry to shoot for his county as a junior but there is not even a senior team, let alone a junior one.

Guess I'll just have to pay the entry fee like everyone else!

Or ....join the committee as the team manager and set up the championship for the county shooters and chose a great inter-county tem as well. If they do not have it now I bet they will be glad of the support. You could offer for just the trap disciplines that you shoot and not need to get involved with anything else if you do not want to.


west midland do have a regional abt team they won at bisley last year, we were second. Not sure how they select a team but north region has always been via selection shoot process. If they can get a team together surely they have county and regional camps ?


west midland do have a regional abt team they won at bisley last year, we were second. Not sure how they select a team but north region has always been via selection shoot process. If they can get a team together surely they have county and regional camps ?
Lord nows how you find about it. Must be a word of mouth thing?

The West Mids CPSA website hasn't been updated since 2012!! Check it out on the CPSA website and then check out the East Midlands site for a comparison!

As for getting involved in the Staffs County I wouldn't know the first thing about managing a trap team. Think its one of those things you do after you have been a team member as you at least know whats involved. Also, and I know its a bit of a excuse, but not sure SWMBO would be too impressed with even more time spent on shooting related activities!!


Sorry this is going to be very unpopular but... Championships are not charity events, shooting is not a cheap sport or hobby, if I can't afford something I don't have it, otherwise there would be a G5 parked on my private airfield!

Yes this may effect juniors/colts but its a fact of life, stuff costs money, the CPSA obviously got hit in the pocket and have decided to increase the entry fee (something we are seeing across all entry levels!)

Sorry this is going to be very unpopular but... Championships are not charity events, shooting is not a cheap sport or hobby, if I can't afford something I don't have it, otherwise there would be a G5 parked on my private airfield!

Yes this may effect juniors/colts but its a fact of life, stuff costs money, the CPSA obviously got hit in the pocket and have decided to increase the entry fee (something we are seeing across all entry levels!)
You have a private airfield !!

Not unpopular at all Matt. The CPSA have to set prices as they need and a 50% reduction for juniors is most welcome. I think they did go a bit over the top last year with the £10 entry and looks like it was a cut too far. I have no idea how many juniors/colts took up the £10 entry across all championships/disciplines but there were no more than 10 (6 colts/4 juniors) out of 94 shooters at the ABT EO and I bet that less than 50 of those shooting also had a parent shooting the event?

It would certainly be nice to see a few more seniors bringing their sons/daughters along to registered shoots but as you say, tis an expensive game!


As for getting involved in the Staffs County I wouldn't know the first thing about managing a trap team. Think its one of those things you do after you have been a team member as you at least know whats involved. Also, and I know its a bit of a excuse, but not sure SWMBO would be too impressed with even more time spent on shooting related activities!!

You do not need to......don't be worried about doing this if you really want to see teams at events.

1. You offer your services to your county committee.

2. You speak to the grounds that you want to hold your trap championship at.....for a few dates (safest and easiest is to join with other county dates...if you are new to the job). Then check national calendar to check the dates for your discipline do not clash with a selection shoot for that discipline ...(sometimes you cannot help it)

3. Agree the date with the committee (translation- tell them what date you have chosen for each trap discipline you want to cover.

4. Check if they have county trophy for discipline and who has it.

5. Ask them (or you do it) to email all county members inviting them to the event.

6. Turn up, glad hand, list contact details of people you did not know we're in your county (building a data base by having eyes open) and then shoot the shoot and enjoy.

7. Ground will give you a print out (and your levies....most important ,the money back to the county) at the end of the shoot with just your county shooters on it....for county records.....so you can see who the County Champion is, Lady, Vet, Junior, Colt champions are......so that you can stand up when the ground has given the class prizes out....and say thank you to your county shooters who have turned out (all 2 or 10) of them....and give out the county badge ....take a photo for Pull mag and send in to your county pull mag writer (name on top of his article)......JOB DONE..!!

Now inter-county team choosing.

1. As generally no one is interested in doing it or coming to play.....and you are....that makes you God.

When I am God....I look at the first 3 highest scores of the each disciplines county championship and invite them to the county team first. They had bothered to come to shoot the championship so deserve to be on the team. Builds support. (Obviously if you have loads of good shooters you can set up a selection procedure to the team).

2. When you find out that not many can be arsed....or are away on holiday.....you start to worry how you can get a team together...this is where you used Cpsa site to look who else in the county shoots that discipline....but might not have shot your county champs. You might have half a team.....so just pick anyone. Minimum team is just 5 people. Full team is 5 plus 1 each of lady, junior, colt and vet. (9 people) but you can live on a team of 5 if you are struggling .

3. Ring or write and invite people to team properly...it is a county honour.

4. Turn up at IC and kick ass.

Need anymore help let me know on pm.....I have been stick in this job for far too long :wink:

(This is the short version and no time to proof or spellcheck....off to shoot 70 mile an hour double rise.......toddles)

Each region will select their team differently. I think it is done from the averages in the East Mids. There certainly aren't any selection shoots and the region does not pay your entry either.

Staffs do struggle with teams but there are some great shooters in the county so maybe if someone did step up that would help? It does seem to be a postcode lottery for Howell you are supported by your county/region.

Well if anyone from the Staffs committee is reading this Harry (and I) would be delighted to represent the county at ABT, UT or even OT. Not sure our scores are up to it but if you need bodies, we're in.



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