Sorry if this is has been posted under another post or section, but I’ve just been viewing some interviews on You Tube regarding gun seizures!
It appears that there is often no valid reason being given by police when guns are taken away and licenses revoked.
Most of the cases seem to be in Devon and Cornwall, but in Dorset too it seems.
The worrying thing is that no reason is given, no proof of any wrong doing and if you try to get your guns or ticket back via the courts, it can cost tens of thousands of pounds.
We all suspect that something is badly wrong in some county police licensing departments, but to take it out on innocent shooters who have done nothing is plain wrong!
Sometimes it seems that a person had been aggressive to another person, but no evidence is given to those having their guns removed.
The police take the guns without needing to show proof and there is no appeal unless the shooter takes them to court.
Ok if the police have a case, take the guns by all means, but the cost of getting them back should not be down to the shooter, most don’t have that sort of money. This system is totally wrong and it’s about time our governing bodies got together and did something.
Rant over, I will get my coat and then write to my MP.
It appears that there is often no valid reason being given by police when guns are taken away and licenses revoked.
Most of the cases seem to be in Devon and Cornwall, but in Dorset too it seems.
The worrying thing is that no reason is given, no proof of any wrong doing and if you try to get your guns or ticket back via the courts, it can cost tens of thousands of pounds.
We all suspect that something is badly wrong in some county police licensing departments, but to take it out on innocent shooters who have done nothing is plain wrong!
Sometimes it seems that a person had been aggressive to another person, but no evidence is given to those having their guns removed.
The police take the guns without needing to show proof and there is no appeal unless the shooter takes them to court.
Ok if the police have a case, take the guns by all means, but the cost of getting them back should not be down to the shooter, most don’t have that sort of money. This system is totally wrong and it’s about time our governing bodies got together and did something.
Rant over, I will get my coat and then write to my MP.