Double Barrelled Podimore Update

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2012
Its been a busy few weeks at Podimore so I thought it might be time to post an update.....

Firstly we will be having a Boxing Day shoot on the 26th December, this will be open to all. With many of us likely to still be feeling the effects of over indulging on Turkey we thought it best to keep it a relaxed affair, therefore although the more competitive amongst you will undoubtedly be shooting for a score there wont be any prizes for the "Top Gun". Instead all those individuals who purchase 100 or more clays will go into a prize draw for Cartridges, free shooting, and some "Festive" prizes.The price will be our standard practice rate of 29p per clay and you are welcome to shoot as little or as much as you wish.

For those looking for Christmas gifts for their shooting friends we are offering gift vouchers for Practice Clays, Lessons and Have-A-Go sessions, contact us for more details.

The Clubhouse has been decorated and it has certainly given it a new lease of life! As well as looking better it tastes better too, thanks to us having secured the services of the catering team that many of you will know from Wylye Valley Shooting Ground, who are preparing top quality breakfasts and lunches using locally sourced ingredients, and not forgetting..... some really scrummy cakes!

Theres been plenty going on outside as well, we have now expanded the number of stands available to 13, four of which now have three traps on them to give you even more options. We have added to our fleet of traps and now have a comprehensive line up that includes standard, left hand and right hand traps, midi's, battues, chondels, mini's, the new 70mm target, rabbits and even a gravity rabbit thats always good for a few laughs. We have also opened up a brand new stand in a hitherto unused location amongst the trees that allows for a fresh perspective on things and another new stand at the far end of the property.

Having 13 stands allows us to put on a variety of targets to suit all abilities, for those who want to challenge themselves they can opt for the harder stands which are identified on our colour coded map in the clubhouse (Friendly / Medium / Testing) While those at the beginning of their shooting career can opt for our training stand or some of the other targets around the ground.

As shooters we appreciate the little things that make a days shooting more enjoyable, therefore we have installed some 200 yards of grass reinforcing mesh to help keep things solid underfoot in the back field. All of the 13 stands now have firm bases on which to stand, on top of which are rubber mats to ensure you have a safe and steady footing at all times.

All of the cages on the ground have benefitted from being repainted and we now have gun racks on many of the stands so you can relax while you watch your friends shooting. Winter Sports fans may be dissapointed to hear that the "ski jump" heading out into the back field has been levelled off so the once treacherous slope is now a gentle incline. In addition over the next few days the potholes in the track from the main drive to the clubhouse will be filled in. We have also replaced the portable WC's with a fully plumbed in toilet block. There will be more to come over the next few months as we continue to invest in Podimore's future and we are already looking into sourcing a tower for the ground as well as other ongoing infrastructure improvements.

Our Annual Membership scheme is now up and running and offers the opportunity to make some big savings, for just £60 you get a 3p saving per clay, a 10% discount on Lessons, 50 free clays in your birthday month and a sew on patch. For the keen shot who shoots 100 targets a week that adds up to a saving of more than £170 a year....

Our next 100 Bird registered competition will be on the 6th December, doors open at 9 with shooting commencing at 10 and entries closing at 1pm. Price is £38 for competition and £33 for "Birds Only" We will also have a Pool Shoot and the High Gun Prize for the Competition will be £100 with cash prizes in each lettered class AA ,A, B & C.

Dont forget we are open every Wednesday from 10-4 though the short days in December may mean that we dont have the light to shoot right up to 4pm. We are also open on Saturdays (10-4) but we do close on the Saturday before our competition so we can prepare for it, so in December we will be closed on Saturday 5th. :)

Some more jobs completed at the ground today.... 4 tons of tarmac to fill the potholes in the track on the ground. Also got rid of most of the mud / grass growing down the centre of the main drive (one of those OCD annoying things .) . Got landlords agreement to fill the potholes down by the cottages and started cleaning up the access to the site down by the bridge in the village. A lot more to do though... :)


Well at least I've got an excuse if I shoot Westfields crap 2moro

been down Dons laying Tarmac all morning !! 

Looking forward to a visit to see all the work and improvements as not been there since Mr Bennett departed , well done Don, pete do you work for the council or have Irish tinker connections for laying tarmac  :laugh:  hats off to you for the effort and work as that road was rough . keep up the good work 
