Apologies if this has been done to death already (I did check to see if this had been answered elsewhere)......
I've just started shooting DTL to get a classification for this year, so that I have a baseline to improve on.
But having shot my first competition a couple of weeks ago (89/256), I've got a question......
Shot size....8's, 7 1/2's or both?
I used 7 1/2's by default (Hull SuperFast) as they were all I had at the time. But would there be mileage in using 8's to give you a better chance of a first barrell kill due to the higher pellet count?
Would it also be an idea to have an 8 in the first barrel and a 7 1/2 in the second (assuming a miss with the first barrel)? Is that even allowed in DTL? I had a quick look through the rules and couldn't see anything to say otherwise, but I'd appreciate a more experienced view.
Next competition is in a couple of weeks and looking forward to it already. Hopefully should be able to better the score as my first round let me down on the last one!
- or is this over thinking things and I should just get on and shoot?
I've just started shooting DTL to get a classification for this year, so that I have a baseline to improve on.
But having shot my first competition a couple of weeks ago (89/256), I've got a question......
Shot size....8's, 7 1/2's or both?
I used 7 1/2's by default (Hull SuperFast) as they were all I had at the time. But would there be mileage in using 8's to give you a better chance of a first barrell kill due to the higher pellet count?
Would it also be an idea to have an 8 in the first barrel and a 7 1/2 in the second (assuming a miss with the first barrel)? Is that even allowed in DTL? I had a quick look through the rules and couldn't see anything to say otherwise, but I'd appreciate a more experienced view.
Next competition is in a couple of weeks and looking forward to it already. Hopefully should be able to better the score as my first round let me down on the last one!
- or is this over thinking things and I should just get on and shoot?
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