DTL - Cartridge Question from a Noob!

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
Apologies if this has been done to death already (I did check to see if this had been answered elsewhere)......

I've just started shooting DTL to get a classification for this year, so that I have a baseline to improve on.

But having shot my first competition a couple of weeks ago (89/256), I've got a question......

Shot size....8's, 7 1/2's or both?

I used 7 1/2's by default (Hull SuperFast) as they were all I had at the time. But would there be mileage in using 8's to give you a better chance of a first barrell kill due to the higher pellet count?

Would it also be an idea to have an 8 in the first barrel and a 7 1/2 in the second (assuming a miss with the first barrel)? Is that even allowed in DTL? I had a quick look through the rules and couldn't see anything to say otherwise, but I'd appreciate a more experienced view.

Next competition is in a couple of weeks and looking forward to it already. Hopefully should be able to better the score as my first round let me down on the last one!


- or is this over thinking things and I should just get on and shoot?

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Hi, no rule against different shot size and yes some do but its a difficult one to answer as many vatiables such as gun, choke blah blah blah. Imo I can see no benefit of doing so at dtl range, also no real benefit between 8 or 7.5 as it depends on the pattern your gun and choke will throw. I would suggest sticking with 7.5 for now as with respect I doubt you would tell any difference.


your last sentence is probably correct :)

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8s are ok for sporting where targets are often face on but I always use an american blind test [ignore size differences] at their form of trap. 400 targets scorer loading different shot sizes unseen and keeping a record of results. Outcome? Tester said he'd never use 8s again for trap.

I've used those Hull superfasts recently, they are good for dtl. I also use Gamebore Velocity (7.5, plastic wad), which are (even) cheaper and maybe a little smoother/softer to shoot. I personally don't mess around with different cartridges for top/bottom. Maybe do that when you get to shoot faster trap disciplines, but even then..

 Also, well done on 89, that is a great score for first time!

Interesting comment 40UP, many years ago when I shot trap, if I recall correctly Brian Bradley and Uncle Brian Bailey used Eley 7.5 first barrel and 7s second barrel. If there was prize money involved Uncle Brian never used 7s , because he never needed to fire the second barrel.

Two interesting threads at the moment about cartridges and antimony.

My feelings are, find a cartridge that suits the gun and choke combination , stick with it because you have confidence in it and concentrate your energies on centering the clay.

And yet strangely i shot my best abt in the 90s with super comp 8s regular 90 + scores B class (year round shooting) for many years whilst shooting them. Don't feel comfortable with them now though, weird isn't it maybe you shoot the best with anything as long as your confident in them.

I shoot 7 1/2 all the time and love shooting f blacks they destroy the target all the time with my half and 3/4 chokes but beleave if the right post code is on the shell you will shoot ne thing at clays

F black great cartridge very centre biased hence good kills but possibly unforgiving so only good for good shots who can centre the pattern.

Thanks for the feedback! Will stick with the Superfast 7 1/2s for the moment and may try some of the Fiocchi when I've run out! Will have to concentrate on the first round of the next competition as it let me down on the last one (18/52)!

F black great cartridge very centre biased hence good kills but possibly unforgiving so only good for good shots who can centre the pattern.
Best I try a different cartridge then!!

I agree entirely with regard to the breaks, not many chips, just gone with nothing left to shoot at with the second barrel. But also as you say, not much margin for error.

Half choke for fast trap might be more realistic if using Fblacks (funnily enough Harry uses half...nuff said) but as I don't have the option i think I might try a few other cartridges. (wash my mouth out!).

Any recommendations?


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I suppose I should have really included "through my DT10 with 3/4 full" but as has been said before DT imo pattern very tight anyway and it is my experience that F black are particularliy centre weighted so as you know and have said above you absolutely smoke the target and rarely have any chippy breaks, that said it is great for your confidence to see a smoked target. I tried some express at the weekend and I did notice a few chippy / lucky breaks so read into that what you will.

You may be spot on regarding half choke, as for reccomendations well I have been trying a few loads out of curiosity and have no conclusion yet other than I paid £50 per K more for some super duper loads and still missed. Some may disagree with the following for trap use but try some 8s, I shot 8s for probably 10 yrs in the 90s and shot my best scores over that period but it has to be said that in those days I was younger and shot VERY quick, as I say many will say NO NO NO to 8s for fast trap but depends on your gun so might be worth a try just get a couple of boxes nothing ventured and all that.

Choke effect is speed dependent.  That's why 1500fs steel only needs IC to make F patterns.  Has nothing to do with steel.  24gm loads are way fast and imminently compressible so 1/2 choke can easy make F patterns at first barrel distances.

About the 8's - not sure what size those are in the Mirror World, but US 8's will kill pigeons in the first barrel, or both if the shooter is quick, and worked fine for me in the first barrel on clay.  


 About the 8's - not sure what size those are in the Mirror World, but US 8's will kill pigeons in the first barrel, or both if the shooter is quick, and worked fine for me in the first barrel on clay.   YMMV
if the shooter is quick, my point exactly wonko. 8s only seem to work beter than 7s at closer range (obviously) so really depends on your style, even more stuff to confuse matters

I mostly use RC Supernik 7.5 (or 7 if I can't get the 7.5's). Now and again I use Fiocchi Gold 7.5 if I can't get any RC's. When I used to shoot DTL many years ago, I tried 8's a few times, but I got no increase in scores so reverted back to 7.5 or 7. 

if your shooting 8's the tighter the choke is better for holding the pattern I was told. and hull sovereign 71/2's you have 30 more lead pellets in the cartridge so you get a great break with them too only the price could hold you back
