DTL Scoring System

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Oh dear DTL people out there......the 'sporters' have missed the plot ....again.... :) (wink) Festive explanation coming up.....

The idea is to be a first barrel kill thus gaining the turkey.......the second barrel kill gets the sprout.

I hate the lucky chippy barstewards who take a long range chip off the edge of the clay pigeon.....then I know we have a sporter on the line.

Does that help peeps.....?

Eh, what a strange topic! Ignore the kills score and focus on the points, that's all DTL shooters do.

Don't see why its a strange topic at all? I know the scoring system is what it is. Merely making an observation that it seems a little unfair that someone that hits all the targets is placed behind someone that doesn't. In all other forms of clay shooting the highest number of targets killed always takes precedence. 


As I say thats DTL its all about consistency of 1st barrel kills


I see what your saying but it's a bit of a non issue really. DTL shooters don't pay any attention to the kills, it's a points game.

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Don't see why its a strange topic at all? I know the scoring system is what it is. Merely making an observation that it seems a little unfair that someone that hits all the targets is placed behind someone that doesn't. In all other forms of clay shooting the highest number of targets killed always takes precedence.

DTL is a points game firstly....so if you want the turkey....hit it first time :)Any chippy tiny little lucky second barrel fragments deserve a lower score :) :) and should not count better than a first barrel smoke (which most of them are at the top end).

Also after watching my other half on ABT or UT.....I would be all in favour for bringing in a 3 and 2 system there as well....... L. O. L.


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you get 2 shots at the same bird ???
Yes it is an all welcoming discipline......even caters for those who need a second shot..... :)

This is not new even for sporting shots like you :) it is called 'full use of the gun'.....of course us trapistaaaaaaas don't normally need one but several sportisssssstaaaaaaas generally do until the can concentrate properly. I thought that points scoring of 3 and 2 just makes it hard core....don't you agree CC.

Or do you prefer shouting puuuuuuuuuull at the target with the same flightline for 4 or 5 goes.

Must admit I get bored now with a target where I know where it is coming from and the speed it is going .

Well it would not suit if we all liked the same things would it.......the queues would be terrible to get to shoot at anything. L. O. L.

You can already shoot DTL with kills to count - it's called Single Barrel.

indeed I am well aware of full use of the gun, I just didnt know you Trappistas needed it on every bird for a 100 birds, my knowledge is now extended, thank you DT for your succinct reply

It has occured to me that with the DTL scoring system a shooter who hits all the birds but has a few second barrell kills can finish behind someone who misses one target completely but has no second barrrels kills. i.e a 100 / 296 is beaten by a 99 / 297.

Now in my simple mind someone who hits all the targets irrespective of the number of second barrells beats a person that misses one target and has less second barrels (100/287 verses 99/297). Soooooo should the scoring be based on number of kills first and then points accummulated second.

If the points accummulated is the sole influence in deciding position why show the number of kills at all (except in a points draw where I assume number of first barrell kills then influences the outcome)?

As highlighted recently in another thread a shooter who shot 100/289 finished in 40th place when only twenty 100 straights were recorded. Is this fair?


indeed I am well aware of full use of the gun, I just didnt know you Trappistas needed it on every bird for a 100 birds, my knowledge is now extended, thank you DT for your succinct reply
We don't....that was the point.....

I will speak slowly...........3..........for .....a......first.....hit.......and.....2......for.......a.....second......hit.....0.......for ....a......miss..........simples click.

could have been two birds ,which is how I first interpreted the post, So sorry I am  obvioulsy too thick to  comprehend ,I thank you for your patience and understanding regarding my misunderstanding

I feel sure should I ever decide to visit a Trap ground and seek furhter calrification I will meet with the same responses Nicola since you seem to speak rather forcefully on here for that community.

That confirms my already growing opinions of the disciplines


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