Ear protection, your preference ..

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bingle Peltor hearing protection, don't bother with the shotgun muff's , their not good enough. I use Peltor Optime III and they give great protection. Before these I used moulded earplugs for a couple of years but my hearing certainly deteriorated in that time so I went back to using Muff's

The girl leading the drum's at the opening of the olympic's was apparently deaf , and she play's by feeling the beat of the drum's through her feet . If that's the case then it does seem obvious that sound (especially gunfire) will go through the bone around the ear . I think this must be a hell of a lot worse when shooting inside a trap house (bit like having your head inside a dustbin and wacking it with a lump of 4x2 )

If that's the case, and I can believe it, I'm going out tomorrow and buying full muff style protection, sod the expense, as being blind is one thing but being deaf as well, I don't stand a chance.. ;-)
Go and have a look, but you will need to look at the 150 plus ones.

My friend who started shooting recently, looked into the electronic muffs. The 90 quid pair broke as they were being put together in the shop, the 3m ones worked, but are massive and even more money. I was there

They will interfere with your mount.

I have been shooting big bore rifles and shotguns for 15 years. I have always used protection.

I used to use a pair of Peltor muffs when shooting big bore rifles, worked great but did get in the way a touch.

They do make your ears hot and uncomfortable.

Foam plugs do a great job and is what I used for a long time.

Mind you, I not being a trap shooter doing hundreds of rounds under cover, have probably had it easy on my ears...!

I have regular hearing tests through work, and my hearing is very good.

You can do more damage to your ears with a loud stereo or an iPod.

I'm going to get a pair of molded jobbies. If you are that concerned, perhaps get some molded ones, then couple them with some regular muffs, which are lower profile than the electronic ones. Then, when you want to hear what is being said, the molded ones will still offer protection from shots going off around you.

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The girl leading the drum's at the opening of the olympic's was apparently deaf , and she play's by feeling the beat of the drum's through her feet .
Evelyn Glennie - and yes, you get vibrations - but the MOST damage would be done by the very high dB loads going down the ear canal, and damaging the fine hairs there (that's what gives you the tinnitus).

I've worn earplugs for 25 years - 23 of them as a DJ where I worked in a lot of VERY loud nightclubs, again - the plugs reduced the risk from the very high frequencies, whilst allowing me to hear and mix music with absolute clarity - the vibration allowed enough 'good sound' through.

I really value my hearing, I'd recommend not skimping here.

Have seen someone told about not having ear plugs in, go off and return with a fag in each ear

Go on Matt, do tell what was your DJ name or is this the start of a guessing game ??

DJ .................

I have used Peltor slimline ear defenders for donkey years. I can't stand ear plugs, I just don't like anything in my ears at all. I guess everyone has their own favourite. It's a personal thing, just like wearing gloves (which I do) or not wearing gloves, or maybe wearing fingerless gloves (which I hate). You just have to go with what feels right and does the job!

Noisebreakers for me - although i have started to wear muffs over the top as well now on a long shoot.

I used tapered rubber ear plugs for a time but found when I was shooting with other people I could not hear what they were saying if they were put in sufficiently well to do their job. So I bought some Sordin electronic ones but found if I was shooting by myself and shooting maybe 200 or so shots in a relatively short time my right ear would start to 'ring' and continue even after I got home. What I do now is use the rubber ear plugs lightly inserted and then put the Sordins over the top so there is sufficient sound reduction and I can still hear people I'm shooting with. Incidentally the digital Sordins sound-wise are absolutely brilliant and you forget you're wearing them with their ability to reproduce the speech of people around you!


Peltor or similar muffs cant see the point of electronic ones unless your a coach or ref .

Interesting to see the OT Grand Prix where all the shooters used large Peltors.

If you can overcome gunmount issues it is obviously the way to go to use the best protection you can find.

You don't see many people in an industrial noisy environment wearing foam plugs or moulded plugs as a solution????

I wear foam plugs and muffs over the top by preference.

I have the deben electronic muffs. They are really good.......when they work properly. Usually after the first shot the recoil induces a tone which totally puts me off! Anybody else experience this? Do other makes do this?

Really interested in the in ear sonic valve type. Can you hear ambient sound/conversation?

Simple non-electronic ear defenders for me.

I dont get on with the electronic ones and I have tried several different pairs (and if you go that route you need to buy decent ones - which cost plenty).

Ear plugs are okay at a pinch - but they dont keep your ears warm on a cold winters day.

Hope this helps.

Cans help stop damage through the bone at the back of the ear.......but I hate cans.......and I am already deaf due to many years game shooting without anything.......(definitely not recommended Newbies).

Moulded ear plugs for me.

Was at Ashcombe on Sunday morning the other week and could not believe how many shooters came through the Compak Sport and had neither cans nor ear plugs - they must be mad!

Surprised that no-one has said a pair of "Thigh's"

Not good for gun mount, but keeps the sound out! :D

When game/duck shooting i use cens digital so i can hear beaters,birds beaking cover,quacks etc, when i,m clay shooting i wear my cens turned off with a set of browning ear muffs over the top as i don,t want to hear anything!!


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