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I have needed reading glasses for about 4yrs but I know my sight is deteriorating as my current readers are not as clear as they were. Not sure but I suspect my long vision is not as good as I am sure I could read car number plates further away than I can now also I suspect my target aquisition is not as good which if I am right would explain a lot. Keep meaning to go get them checked but not found the time yet. As a rule of thumb at what distance should you be able to read a number plate, anyone know ?
Ed will be along.. But distance vision is anything over about 5 feet I believe. It is this that I now correct, to put the whole world in better focus. Trees, clays, you name it. Still wear different specs for reading etc..

Car number plate should be visible from 20.5 metres or about 67 feet.

Generally equivalent to somewhere between the third and fourth row up from the bottom of an eye test chart, scary stuff!

Thanks ed, will pace it out tommorow but 20m sounds a big ask, I really need to find time for a test.

Thanks ed, will pace it out tommorow but 20m sounds a big ask, I really need to find time for a test.
I shall nip out of the office in a mo and have a look, may work better if the number plates have all the mud and cow shi£e removed first !!!! :laugh:

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Right OK, went out and checked out the plates at 20mtrs. No prob at all, right eye not as clear as left, left is perfect, both eyes open all looks OK. Mind you the light is good today, the sort of day when orange clays look like dustbin lids, mind you the number plates were not moving !!!!!! My biggest issue I think is when I have to focus on something retreating very fast, I also feel that at times my right eye dominance turns into a sort temporary/fluctuating central vision. At these times I will sometimes hit a target on the left side, but not always of course..........because I also miss the bloody things too!  :hunter:

Eye test booked for thurs morning will report back as to if sight has deteriorated as i suspect or if that's just another lame excuse i will be unable to use for explanation of poor scores :)

Eye test booked for thurs morning will report back as to if sight has deteriorated as i suspect or if that's just another lame excuse i will be unable to use for explanation of poor scores :)
Ian, it is a perfectly reasonable excuse!!!!! I use it regularly..........it's one of the best!

Bloody opticians have ruined any possible use of the excuse of poor eye sight.

turns out that apart from a minor change on reading glasses perscription my distance is perfect.

bloody opticians

Aha, brain wave. My eyesight is that good I see the target to clearly and as a result of yet another super human ips ability I miss.

that should do it.

I got a pair of new fangled specs a few months back. I used to only need glasses for reading and quite mild +0.5 and 0.75 what ever that means anyway had me beads tested and woah I now have lens that are triple focus! Laptop/reading then desktop intermediate and then long vision. I don't know if it was a sales trick but the optometrist tested my eyes and then told me about the results saying at the end :) you actually have a slight prescription for distance I will let you see it you probably will not notice the difference. Slots in the long distance lens wow HD... I'll have them! Damn near fainted when I saw the bill mind... I am Scottish you know, gonna go back to milk bottle bottoms ! :)  

Ed I am dreading the day I need glasses to shoot. My long vision is really quite good so I don't wear them just now.

While I am on I want to ask a question. When setting up my gun to check my mount and if I am looking down the rib properly I really struggle to focus on the front and mid beads but if I look out into the distance I can see both clearly or so it seems ? Is this and optical illusion? Or are they still really out of focus but because I am not trying to, as it were, concentrate on them you see them as a peripheral thing and they look in focus. I am not wearing my glasses at this time by the way. Just something I find strange.

When setting up my gun to check my mount and if I am looking down the rib properly I really struggle to focus on the front and mid beads but if I look out into the distance I can see both clearly or so it seems ? Is this and optical illusion? Or are they still really out of focus but because I am not trying to, as it were, concentrate on them you see them as a peripheral thing and they look in focus. I am not wearing my glasses at this time by the way. Just something I find strange.
Good question - one which you've actually answered yourself! It sounds as though you are slightly long sighted, which means that distance images are typically more in focus than intermediate and close up things. When you have what we call "foveal attention" on a particular object, i.e., using the sensitive part of the retina that is responsible for detail, the eye tries to flex the lens inside it to bring it into sharpness.

This becomes progressively more difficult as our eyes get older as the lens stiffens up and the fibres controlling it become less efficient.

However, when you are sighting down the barrel and achieve a sharp focus on the distance, the peripherally seen beads will be less blurred than they were when you were looking directly at them.

Sharp target at all times, great! Sharp beads, no!

Hopefully those peepers will hold out a bit more before you need a mortgage on Le Chateau!  :crazy:

Thanks for that Ed funny how you start to enquire as to what is happening to you as you get older :)  I have a friend who shoots a target gun back in the UK he says he has real problems shooting over iron sites because he cannot focus on target and sites properly even with his glasses. I have never given it much thought because I use  a tele sight on my rifle...eyes and brains complicated things and inextricably linked, Topic drift ... did you see the thread about Gil Ash and the role of Myelination in the quest for greatness? Don't  doubt there may be links but I don't believe it can be directly linked and used as a tool... its just learning and some learn better than others in my view.

In target shooting you focus on the foresight only.

You look through the rear aperture but it is too close to focus on, focus on the foresight and the black of the target is a round dark blur which you centre in the foresight ring.  Some shooters see the target clearer than others.  With age it becomes more difficult to focus on the foresight so you add an extension tube to move the foresight further away and use larger aperture foresights.  It is also possible to use a modest diopter on the foresight to give some slight magnification of the target but this is not allowed under ISSF rules only domestic rules.

You cannot focus at three feet and infinity at the same time!

No doubt Ed can confirm this!

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I know nowt about target shooting but he shoots a lee enfield 303 at targets up to 400 m away does that make sense I could barely see them let alone hit them ? Could it be because of his bifocal glasses ?

Most target shooters who need eye corrective lenses have them mounted in special target shooting frames as with conventional glasses and frames the lens cannot be perpendicular or central to the aperture thus causing distortion!

Targets are all in scale to the range that you shoot at so that what I shoot at at 25 yards, 50 metres or 100 yards looks exactly the same as what your mate sees at 400 yards or metres.


The lens can be tilted fore and aft and raised or lowered in height and swivelled on its axis.

The alternative is to mount the lens on the back of the rear sight if possible which I doubt for a .303.

The opaque "blinder" lets light into the left eye to stop it tiring but enables you to keep it open but not affect the sight picture or due to eye dominance issues.

Sorry but I don't know anyone who target shoots who shoots with normal glasses and certainly not bifocals!

Ed's equivalent in the target shooting world is probably Mike Taylor at Bill & Taylor in Teignmouth, Devon and shooters travel the country to come and see him.

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Well that will be his problem he needs his glasses useless without them :) I don't think to be honest he is a target shooter I the sense that you are what I really mean is he has a couple of different rifles which he takes the military type ranges and blasts away at targets one of them is a Faslane. Used to laugh on a Monday if he had been at Faslane and came in to work moaning about having a sore shoulder because of the kick after firing a hundred rounds. I would say the guys in the trenches in 1916 never complained when the wicked hun was louping over a field lobbing bombs at them they just got as many shot off as they could ya pussy :)
