I can imagine the product development meeting at Eley.
What have you got for us then Smithers?
Well sir, I’ve developed some new boxes with a completely irrelevant Titanium label.
Excellent. Why?
Well, you know the near crisis level of cost that cartridges have reached? I thought I would come up with a way of dramatically increasing it.
Will this work?
Yes I think so sir. There are still some shooters, usually the ones that haven’t been shooting long, who think that slinging a cloud of pellets at a fragile ashtray is a technical thing.
But the price Smithers, I mean surely.. These will only cost us another £10-15 per thousand to make, you’re not even putting them into an attractive shell case and yet you think we can charge another £60 over our already overpriced shells?
Yes Sir, with the Titanium name distraction and the addition of the word Strike, there will be enough people feeling they can make up for pointing the gun in the wrong place to cough up the money.
But Smithers, if these pattern as well as you say, surely it might cause more missed clays, with a tighter pattern?
Careful sir, this room hasn’t been swept for bugs..