email question for it guru

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
I have a domain name which routes through my TalkTalk broadband email. We have three email address the problem is when I open from my phone email app I get all email from all three address as phone has no rules to set also phone app is not that good. So, can I open just my email address through my Gmail if so then how.

hope that makes sense.


also as an alternative can you use a free normal gmail account for business ie businessname@gmail or us this not allowed by Gmail


another thing is some email sent from my t mobile bounce back because recipient email won't accept from port 25 I believe you can set this as SSL and different port?


is there an android email app that has rules as in a rule not to download if message to contains the word "xxxx"

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No idea westley other phone was same no rules setting so can't stop my brothers email showing as well as mine.

There must be a fix?

Ian you can set up 'work' email with bingle, we use it, so you can have [email protected] and use bingle mail to send and receive, it also allows you to set up other email accounts. If you cannot send that is usually a restriction on your broadband provider, although it could also be a setup issue on the device.

Not a complete answer for you but without seeing the issues first hand it's a bit tricky.

Your Android phone should allow you to decide/select which specific email accounts you want the phone to "see" 

You should then be able to select which of those individual email accounts you want to look at OR you can select to see ALL emails in one jumbled bunch. 

Sounds to me as though you've set your phone to display all of the accounts together. 

ie I have 4 email accounts. 1 work and 3 private. On my private phone I selected to see just two of my private email accounts, one is ".com" and the other is "" but I set the phone to display them separately. 

Does that help at all or have I misunderstood you? 

Well we have two email address ian at and Phil at our company name on occasions we can rule not to download email from Phil he does same for ian but no rules on mobile email so I get all of our email.

Really difficult to properly get what you mean and/or give useful advice without knowing type of phone, software versions etc etc etc. 

Best I can advise is to pop into the shop you bought it from or if (for example) it's on "EE" or "O2" or whatever, one of their dedicated stores. One of the 6 year olds working there will fix it in a jiffy :good:  

I use gmail for both business and personal accounts and for administrative accounts on some systems I maintain.

Download the gmail app rather than the standard Android mail app that comes standard with the phomes.

The gmail app will allow you to have a tabbed view into each separate mail account.

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I have a domain name which routes through my TalkTalk broadband email. We have three email address the problem is when I open from my phone email app I get all email from all three address as phone has no rules to set also phone app is not that good. So, can I open just my email address through my Gmail if so then how.

hope that makes sense.


also as an alternative can you use a free normal gmail account for business ie businessname@gmail or us this not allowed by Gmail


another thing is some email sent from my t mobile bounce back because recipient email won't accept from port 25 I believe you can set this as SSL and different port?


is there an android email app that has rules as in a rule not to download if message to contains the word "xxxx"
Ignore him! He's just working up another bloody list!

Well we have two email address ian at and Phil at our company name on occasions we can rule not to download email from Phil he does same for ian but no rules on mobile email so I get all of our email.
Have waited for all the experts to fix this for you.... but this bit doesn't make any sense...

[email protected]

[email protected]

are two. seperate. accounts. 

Unless your mail server has been set up in some crazy way, your mobile mail client, should only be able to see your mailbox.   

Feel free to contact me away from the forum and I'll see what I can do to help. 

Have waited for all the experts to fix this for you.... but this bit doesn't make any sense...

[email protected]

[email protected]

are two. seperate. accounts. 

Unless your mail server has been set up in some crazy way, your mobile mail client, should only be able to see your mailbox.   

Feel free to contact me away from the forum and I'll see what I can do to help. 
As I was one of the few who actually attempted to help ips, I should point out this was done in good faith. And for the record I'm NOT an IT expert and I'm quite proud and happy to keep things that way. :good:

I've got two gmail accounts and they're set up on the laptop as two separate Chrome tabs. On my Samsung Galaxy S4 phone I can switch between accounts. How I've managed to do this I don't know.

Is it possible that your accounts are set as a 'catch all' account? so anything@yourcompany will go to you? Had a similar issue but a mate of mine fixed it on the email server rather than my phone.

Possibly I will have another look

Thanks for reply

Your spot on gazzer had a look on my domain host website and my talktalk email account is indeed set to "catchall" no idea what to do as there is talk on there about pop3 stuff and forwarding.

Let me try to explain a bit better.

My bro and I own a domain name lets call it "" all emails are set to go to our "[email protected]" email account as "catchall" just like gazer said. So even though my bro uses "phil@ourdomain" and I use "ian@ourdomain" they all get sent to "[email protected]" therefore as my mobile phone has a limited email app and no "rules" to set I cannot tell it not to download anything that begins with "phil" like I can on my office outlook pc so I get his email as well as mine.

Domain website says we do not have a pop3 account, I could but its extra dosh per year.

Now getting confused as I don't fully understand the pop3 thing but as I say I do have one or rather I can have one but we haven't used it yet, apparently.

I hope that makes sense to someone.


Cheers gazzer you sent me on the right road at least :)

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