So, just back from an excellent trip to Essevierre for a stock for my DT11 (apart from the weather which was shocking)
I went from Birmingham to Milan Malpensa on FlyBe and this is my account to aid those that might follow....
I took the 1715 Sunday night flight from Birmingham to Milan and FlyBe charge £30 each way to check your gun. Essevierre say that if you have a major Italian brand then you don't need to bring it, just weigh the barrels and let them know model. They will do the rest. I, however, did take mine.
Check-in at Birmingham was OK. It took about 40mins as the young girl from Menzies was not trained on checking in guns and had to call the supervisor. She was busy so I had a short wait until she arrived. After than it was all plain sailing; she checked it off and then it went down the oversize baggage ramp. FlyBe do have a weird form that you have to fill in (downloadable before) which they then staple to the baggage tag before your gun goes to the handlers. Apart from that it seemed to serve no purpose.
Flight to Milan was uneventful and after making my way into the baggage hall i started to look for some one to ask about my gun. Luckily I then saw the security guard pushing it through the terminal. He took me to the Police office which is behind a nondescript door in the baggage hall where a lady checked it against my EFP, Passport and Baggage Tag. She asked me how long was i staying and where i was going and that was it. Off through the Green Channel to pick up my hire car. The check took less than 5 mins.
The drive from Milan to Brescia (where I was staying takes about 1hr20 in good traffic and I was there by 2245 CET.
Next morning I had arranged with Essevierre to be there by about 0800 and the drive from Brescia to Gardone Val Trompia was about half an hour in the lightning, thunder and pouring rain.....
WhenI got there after the hellos it was straight into it. Wood selection (of which there is lots in different grades), measurements, lots of gun mounting, more measurements, discussion on thumb rest or not (he thought not in my case..) Then he started and I was told to come back at 11. As it was pouring down I didn't feel like much sight seeing so I had a coffee in town and ambled about.
Back at 1100 when Rinaldo had the rough outline of my stock prepared. More measuring, and chiseling and general woodworkery before he broke for lunch at about 1230 and said come back at 1400. So found a nice place for lunch and took my time.
At 1400 we were getting there and it was fine tuning the stock to me, before it was sent out for checkering. It came back about 1600 and then it was stain and finish until 1730 when it was all done ! In a day ! Pretty amazing I thought. Time to get back to the hotel for a celebratory drink
Today I left for Milan at 0600 and I am glad I allowed extra tine as the 1hr20 on Sunday turned into 2hrs through heavy Milan traffic. I got to the airport just after 0810 for a 1020 departure. The process at Milan is what I will call Plan ALPHA and is as follows:
1. Go the the Fly Be desk (on the left as you get to Checkin 17) and get the Italian Firearms declaration form and fill it in a sign it. Get the Flybe staff to stamp it.
2. Take the form and your gun to the Police Office near Check In 9. They will check it, sign the form and call a courier
3. Wait for Courier (about 15 mins for me)
4. Courier takes you to Checkin 17 for Fly Be where you get a tag for your bag and he then relieves you of it (Checkin only opens 2hrs prior to departure....so don't get there too early...)
5. Go through security as normal.
unless you get told wrong from the start and end up running around the airport like a lunatic from wrong desk to wrong desk...like wot happened to me....
Arrival back a Birmingham was easy; gun came down the baggage carousel where I then took it to the customs red point, called them on the phone and they came and checked it. Back home...
SO, long post, but hopefully if anyone is thinking of going to Essevierre for a stock and you want to go via Milan this may help you.
As fort the stock, I think it is great. I went straight from Birmingham when I landed to Kibworth to give it a good work out
Go on treat yourself, you know you deserve it
I went from Birmingham to Milan Malpensa on FlyBe and this is my account to aid those that might follow....
I took the 1715 Sunday night flight from Birmingham to Milan and FlyBe charge £30 each way to check your gun. Essevierre say that if you have a major Italian brand then you don't need to bring it, just weigh the barrels and let them know model. They will do the rest. I, however, did take mine.
Check-in at Birmingham was OK. It took about 40mins as the young girl from Menzies was not trained on checking in guns and had to call the supervisor. She was busy so I had a short wait until she arrived. After than it was all plain sailing; she checked it off and then it went down the oversize baggage ramp. FlyBe do have a weird form that you have to fill in (downloadable before) which they then staple to the baggage tag before your gun goes to the handlers. Apart from that it seemed to serve no purpose.
Flight to Milan was uneventful and after making my way into the baggage hall i started to look for some one to ask about my gun. Luckily I then saw the security guard pushing it through the terminal. He took me to the Police office which is behind a nondescript door in the baggage hall where a lady checked it against my EFP, Passport and Baggage Tag. She asked me how long was i staying and where i was going and that was it. Off through the Green Channel to pick up my hire car. The check took less than 5 mins.
The drive from Milan to Brescia (where I was staying takes about 1hr20 in good traffic and I was there by 2245 CET.
Next morning I had arranged with Essevierre to be there by about 0800 and the drive from Brescia to Gardone Val Trompia was about half an hour in the lightning, thunder and pouring rain.....
WhenI got there after the hellos it was straight into it. Wood selection (of which there is lots in different grades), measurements, lots of gun mounting, more measurements, discussion on thumb rest or not (he thought not in my case..) Then he started and I was told to come back at 11. As it was pouring down I didn't feel like much sight seeing so I had a coffee in town and ambled about.
Back at 1100 when Rinaldo had the rough outline of my stock prepared. More measuring, and chiseling and general woodworkery before he broke for lunch at about 1230 and said come back at 1400. So found a nice place for lunch and took my time.
At 1400 we were getting there and it was fine tuning the stock to me, before it was sent out for checkering. It came back about 1600 and then it was stain and finish until 1730 when it was all done ! In a day ! Pretty amazing I thought. Time to get back to the hotel for a celebratory drink
Today I left for Milan at 0600 and I am glad I allowed extra tine as the 1hr20 on Sunday turned into 2hrs through heavy Milan traffic. I got to the airport just after 0810 for a 1020 departure. The process at Milan is what I will call Plan ALPHA and is as follows:
1. Go the the Fly Be desk (on the left as you get to Checkin 17) and get the Italian Firearms declaration form and fill it in a sign it. Get the Flybe staff to stamp it.
2. Take the form and your gun to the Police Office near Check In 9. They will check it, sign the form and call a courier
3. Wait for Courier (about 15 mins for me)
4. Courier takes you to Checkin 17 for Fly Be where you get a tag for your bag and he then relieves you of it (Checkin only opens 2hrs prior to departure....so don't get there too early...)
5. Go through security as normal.
unless you get told wrong from the start and end up running around the airport like a lunatic from wrong desk to wrong desk...like wot happened to me....
Arrival back a Birmingham was easy; gun came down the baggage carousel where I then took it to the customs red point, called them on the phone and they came and checked it. Back home...
SO, long post, but hopefully if anyone is thinking of going to Essevierre for a stock and you want to go via Milan this may help you.
As fort the stock, I think it is great. I went straight from Birmingham when I landed to Kibworth to give it a good work out
Go on treat yourself, you know you deserve it

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