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You of all people have worked hard at raising the issues of disabled shooters. I'm not sure why you are defending or perhaps not understanding the oversights at this event that affected those less able to get around? I think maybe if you had seen the red course you might understand better?!
I am not defending anything.

I cannot talk about the red course because I did not see that.....I only can talk about what I saw on the Blue course.....but I did make it clear that I was talking about the blue course.

Not really clear what is being said here.

As one of the shooters directly effected by this I will be tackling my issues directly with the CPSA as they should have ensured access to the whole shoot was available to disabled shooters regardless of conditions as ANY concerns should have been ironed out in the planning and actual course setting stage. I have always advocated don't guess get into a wheelchair and see how as an abled bodied person you manage, this will give you the best insight as to what is actually required and takes out any guess work. The DSG has offered the CPSA on many previous occasions the knowledge we have gained from shooting world class events around the world and I think going forward a representative from the DSG should be consulted so we save any future embarrassment.

We have many great friends who are working very hard to ensure we have an equal opportunity to enjoy our fabulous sport, domestically and internationally. I would like to thank Nicola Heron, Emma & Sara for their on-going support. If we take a few paces back, draw a line under what has happened, and ensure the CPSA learn from it and implement whatever safeguards necessary to ensure we are not faced with this embarrassment again.

Really sad to read some of these comments, I was buggy driver on red course between stand 14-1. I had a busy schedule keeping squads moving so I was unable to deviate massively, but I helped less abled people where possible (10-11). But with regards to disabled shooters there were 2 staff with 2 man buggies assigned in advance to disabled shooters, taking them to EVERY stand. It appears a breakdown in communication or not getting the correct person when first enquiring about access to the course.
Caroline, Can I just say what a good buggy driver you are too. :good:   Hope you enjoyed your birthday, 

Thank you Chris, that's very nice of you to say so.

I did enjoy my birthday, it was made all the more pleasant by transporting such a nice bunch of people around all day. I had a variety of passengers, some saying they should have spent the money on lessons, some having a ball with their friends, the parents and wives supporting, the cheeky Welsh men, the Irish who gave me sweets, many bribes to try and get me to take people up the hill, and then taking the nice refs back to their cars after 4 days on the same stand, I made sure Alex on stand 1 could get home early to put her children to bed.

I may be abit biased but I really enjoyed the World Championships, shooting it as a 'learner' , working at it, appreciating how much work went into the event but most of all seeing so many people from the shooting 'world' :)


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