Fabarm Xlr5 Velocity.

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Oh...it's an auto...!!

Take it back to the shop......and.......Buy a proper gun.
Look Nic, you are really going to wind up the auto brigade by saying such things, you know how sensitive they can be!  :laugh:

As I say moment of weakness oh and a touch of diplomacy :)
Ha....you did it again! You are out to shock lately Ian. So now you mention diplomacy and weakness, neither of those words could be associated with ips, not ill are you Ian? Are you still taking the medication?  :laugh:

Mr springfield is only 9 posts in so we don't want to offend (well not straight away) by saying derogatory remarks about Auotos. We need to get to know the chap first before we can judge the thickness of his skin :)

Anyway his auto is no danger to anyone as its broken already :)

Certainly sound's weird my Veocity barrel used to positively launch it's self from the action when you released the bolt, good luck..

Could it just be newness do you think simon ?

I'm puzzled as to why this is on the Trap thread? Obviously nobody would venture onto a trap line with such a thing!

Nothing wrong with Autos as long as there blue aint that right Les!!!!!! :comando:
Oh yes Gaz......I just LOVE  bloody BLUE auto's!!!!  Anyway I shall not rise to the bait, especially as you are now the County Secretary!!!  :spiteful:

Good evening. I bought the fabarm velocity as a second gun. I shoot a perazzi mx2000s as a main gun. I'm a member of a local club & shoot twice weekly at the moment. We shoot sporting, skeet & trap. I have had auto's for many years. They are great guns to shoot in inclement weather & also can be used on skeet were it doesn't really matter if they are hit by debris. Far better than marking a beautiful perazzi. I was attracted to the Fabarm because of it's high rib capacity. I thought it would enable me to use it to shoot all disciplines at my local club. I have had several auto's in the past from benelli & beretta. It has been correctly assembled & not abused in any way. For some reason after shooting, the barrel is tightening itself to the gun. It is at the moment back at anglo italian arms. I will take on board the fact that maybe this isn't a relevant discussion topic for the trap board & will redirect my posts in future. Best regards Andy.

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I'm only joking! You'll appreciate that auto's are a big no no on a trap line for obvious reasons however if your club (and those next to you) are happy to see them then go for it.

They're great for skeet though!

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