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Point taken john, however my routine remains the same its the things you cannot control such as poor target release, distractions etc that are the problem as this type of shooting relies on everything being right as once you start the routine its going to happen. Conversely if you can mount and then start the mental side of focus etc it is presumably easier to call for the target when you are ready and get the target within a split second of being so, the flaw with my method is that you become mentally ready before you even start the routine so within the few seconds it takes to complete the action a lot can go wrong.

This is all very helpful as the more I think about it and put my thoughts into words the more problems I see with my current style and the more sense I see in the new approach that I have been working on.

PS - the first few pages of the "best OT style" post kind of touch on some aspects that we have discussed on this thread.

Just wait until you read the book before you make too many changes Ian. :eek:k:
arrived and very interesting, quick flick through seems to indicate that much of it concurs with many things you and I have said in the past, nice to have it confirmed though.

mrs ips out for meal with friends tonight so pizza, scotch and a good read is the order of the day :)

"focus is required before the start, then were off into closing gun mounting gun calling for target taking shot. I now realise that the problem lies in when something is not right or something distracts or the target release is not as expected this throws the timing right out the window as the "cadence" of the gun mount dictates the call of the target."

(ref my bold) My first impression of this was ya better have the reflexes of a cat.  Way toooo many interdependent actions for me

" the flaw with my method is that you become mentally ready before you even start the routine so within the few seconds it takes to complete the action a lot can go wrong."

For me that would be a lot of wasted energy on the front end and of course the "go worng" part is right there

Yeah, I fenced in grad school.  Foil and epee - never did fancy saber.  That was all so long ago and far away.  The coach there was Jo Redmon and she let me practice with the school team even tho I was ineligible as a grad.  Really a great lady.  

Ah i guessed you fenced from the term cadence :)

Until a neck and shoulder injury i was a foilist dabbled in epe but was always drawn to what i consider to be the purist form of foil. I was trained by a English coach and also on occasions by an ex European champion hungarian fencing master. Trained to be a club level coach and then eventually due to the injury and certain family restraints i retired. Like you i never got on with sabre but i have a very nice leon paul sabre from i would guess the 60s. A beautiful sport that i miss a great deal. Touche :)

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I am picking up on the point that your scores deteriorate as you progress through the 4 sets of 25 shots.

Do you rehydrate frequently and have a banana for example before you shoot and at the end of each 25 to be sure that you keep your intake up

Rob Eaton, an excellent Sporting coach, stressed the need to do this to me and getting through 100 in trap is probably a lot quicker.

Even so, something before the start and between each 25 is probably important

Perhaps worth a try



funny you should mention that, no I dont rehydrate until recently that is as I have started to have an energy drink or two between lines. You are corrrect now that I think about it my score probably does geeneraly deteriorate but not as an absolute rule.

I think the bottom line as they say is that because the gun mount is such an integral part ot taking the shot on occasions my mind is to focused on this aspect and I forget the golden rule that as you know I preach a lot and that is focusing only on the target. Its one thing knowing what other people do but another thing to always remember it yourself.

Rehydration is extremely important down here in summer when the temperatures are hitting mid to high thirties! I get through about three litres of water in the course of an afternoon of four rounds. I do not know how cricketers and the like manage to play a game in such high temp with the little water /drinks they get Yes rehydration very important even in England :)

"f My first impression of this was ya better have the reflexes of a cat
I do actually have very qiick reflexes as long as I am fully ready for the target and the darned thing comes out as soon as I call, slight delays of the trap or mic and I am stuffed.

Rehydration is extremely important down here in summer when the temperatures are hitting mid to high thirties! I get through about three litres of water in the course of an afternoon of four rounds. I do not know how cricketers and the like manage to play a game in such high temp with the little water /drinks they get Yes rehydration very important even in England :)
ok will try what robert and john sugggest, not the banana thing though there bloody orrible things

arrived and very interesting, quick flick through seems to indicate that much of it concurs with many things you and I have said in the past, nice to have it confirmed though.

mrs ips out for meal with friends tonight so pizza, scotch and a good read is the order of the day :)
arrived and very interesting, quick flick through seems to indicate that much of it concurs with many things you and I have said in the past, nice to have it confirmed though.

mrs ips out for meal with friends tonight so pizza, scotch and a good read is the order of the day :)
take your time its a bit heavy going here and there mate.

Rehydration is extremely important down here in summer when the temperatures are hitting mid to high thirties! I get through about three litres of water in the course of an afternoon of four rounds. I do not know how cricketers and the like manage to play a game in such high temp with the little water /drinks they get Yes rehydration very important even in England :)
rehydration is important in Dorset too, whats more....ive been doing it since 14.00 hrs today!!! (hic)

He means energy drinks and the like not ruddy doom bar

Energy drinks are chock full of caffeine and other nasties that may actually cause you more issues. Try just water and a cereal bar or some nuts.

Oh right thought they did what they said on the tin ?

Yes Ian I only usually drink good old Adam's ale or maybe isotonic glucose water is good normally take Banana and an apple as well keeps me going!

The sports drink stuff can cause probs too.  They are uniformly hypertonic solutions loaded with about as much sugar as the fluid will carry.  The sugar impedes the absorption of the water and can cause cramps for some.  Cut the stuff in half with plain water and you'll get all the sugars (etc) that you need AND the water.  I'm not saying don't use them - - just get twice as much for your $.

The stuff I drink is so strong that it doesn't even taste much different cut in half hahaha


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