FITASC vs Super Sporting

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So if we look at the other countries that do not shoot ESP or SSP its clear FITASC has a far bigger following, which is why i doubt Mr Palinkas is concerned about numbers dwindling at there International events
Really, the two disciplines are quite different, no gun down or hoola hoops in super sporting!
This sort of division is exactly what the shooting sports community at large doesn't need. How does this benefit anyone? FITASC is going to have egg all over their face in any outcome, as not only are the disciplines different, many people actually enjoy both and who are they to say? From a legal point of view I don't think there is any "protection" for these game forms and a self proclaimed 'federation' holds no power over anyone but their members, who would be the only ones they can threaten with consequences. As long as nobody is using their name and trademark, it would be a shot in the dark to try and litigate FITASC point of view.