Guns with adjustable combs

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Interesting analogy, I will get back to you when I have worked it out but early indications are thst you may be correct :)

You'll be telling me next that balance is affected by where you hold the fore-end or by wearing a heavy watch. :biggrin:

I've been giving this some serious consideration, really, and I've come to the conclusion that your (collectively) posts are fun time of having the Yank on.  So, I'm just gonna go with that.  Hahaha's all around.  Good show and all that.

So I got the light barrel, kg1.48 the stamp says but I haven't weighted it yet.  Originally on a Mirage Special Sporting so 75cm, no side ribs, liteweight monobloc, and factory screw-in in both barrels. It'll have to be fitted to go on the gun I got it for, but it just happens to snap right on the '84 MT6 so I did that and shot it yesterday.  Had a #6 and #8 chokes screwed in.  Hit the plate first and both barrels to the same spot, always a consideration with pre-owned items.  Pretty nice barrels.  But I'm minorly suffering some buyers remorse.  I really have no use for them on the MT6 since I just use that gun for skeet now and the original barrels are primo for that.  And now I'm not really sure that the Mirage I got them for needs a set of 75cm barrels at this moment since I do have two other 75cm barrels fitted to guns already.  So ............. impulse buys can be a bitch.  

Balance-wise, I think I'm gonna have to wear a silver ID bracelet that I have somewhere on my right wrist to balance the old chrono when I use those barrels.  It's all in the details.  You just gotta take care of the details if you want that optimum performance.

Hi Wonko

I don't have a laugh at any bodies expense, I don't have enough experience or knowledge to :)   Any post you will get from me is my honest opinion  on the subject and/or my take one the subject under discussion, even if its wrong :)   Look through this thread and you will find my one track opinion from start to end... is it right? I know of one very well respected commentator on matters shotgun who agree's with me... that will do for me I'm right ya boo sucks! :)

Buyers remorse is a rotten thing I don't get it too much because I spend soooo much time making my choice, but I sometimes wish I had spent £7000 on my gun instead of £3000... why because I know I am going to end up spending another £9000 getting an even more pricey one ! Thing is I love my present gun but can you ever have too many of them and is the one you just bought really as good as it gets? Nah I'll have another :)

all the best!

Good on you mate, your getting brit humour. No offence intended by anyone i can assure you.

Good on you mate, your getting brit humour. No offence intended by anyone i can assure you.
If that is meant for me, thanks for the thought.

But I have to tell you straight and true, that's it's been a long time since I've been offended - prolly since about the time that I discovered that  stupid and unfair are the default options of the universe.  Just no other way to explain it.  And there are so many adjectives that can modify "stupid" that simply offensive is not a big deal, right?

Personally, I live with buyers remorse on a daily basis.   :crazy:   When the light is just right I can be pissed off about outlays a few years ago :fie:  .  With gun deals it is absolutely built in to every one.  No matter how diligent you might be, you will always miss a better deal.  And find out about it, of course.  That's one version of the old unfair default option kicking in.

Well, saying a heavy but well balanced gun can feel lighter than a heavier, not-so-well-balanced gun, its (sort of) like using a well balanced wheelbarrow. If you load everything back near the handles, its going to be harder to lift than if all the weight is loaded up over the wheel. Or am I talking out my ass?
Yeah that's the general idea!


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