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Have to agree with a lot of what Clint says above

A lot of shoots being won with 97 98s this then ups all the class averages as well

Shoots prob need to be won on the 93 /94 mark but it's all down to consistency from course


Recent shoots that have been enjoyable targets were gunsites last hundred won on 94

Sean seems to have a very good following with some very big entries

Also Steve Lovett at Westfield thought his last 120 bird shoot was a real cracker nothing stupid

But good testing shootable targets

You know your gonna have to be switched on and work hard to build a score at Steve's shoot

But feel you've achieved something if you do

Brilliant warm up for all the up and coming majors don't think I can ever Remember a crap shoot

At one of Steve's grounds

I'm not after a free entry Cyril

I just like to say it how I see it I'm sure you will agree being a ex ground owner

Will we be graced with your presence at brook bank this Friday ?

I might just buy you a coffe if you behave

:fie:  Nah! I don't do that all round sh*t! but I may drive all the way to Cheddar just for you to buy me a coffee! I love to see you cry. :crazy:   

Sport is all about testing yourself!! If you keep shooting the same easy targets all the time it gets boring!! I want to be stimulated, look forward to shooting a good stand, not worry about missing, when it's soft!! Westfield, weston wood, hornet, gunsite, Hartys St dials, Longridge, Northampton, Orston, Doveridge, Essex masters, these are all good shoots IMO

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:fie:  I can think of better ways to get me stimulated :crazy:   and it does'nt mean standing up in a muddy field, blowing a gale, urinating down with rain and costing me £40.00! :fie:

:fie:  Nah! I don't do that all round sh*t! but I may drive all the way to Cheddar just for you to buy me a coffee! I love to see you cry. :crazy:
I thought you'd definetely be there with the turv ?

Or has he got pissed off with your whingeing and moaning and doesn't want to shoot with you

Any more .

Never a problem to buy you a coffe though Cyril

:crazy:  Peter, I have known Turv for 40 years or more and shot with him most of that time, I was there when he made the English Sporting team in 84 and shot with him ever since but not every week.  I would have thought he would have been long gone if the whinging and moaning was as bad as you say? :fie:    You can make ammends if you buy me a bacon sarny as well? :crazy:  

Coming from a pigeon / rough shooting environment before I started Shootin clays, I like technical targets, I'm also only 20 minutes from hodnet, and there is not much long distance stuff but tommy does make you think hard about how you approach your target, he'll set you up with the first target and then if your not thinking about the second one, the angle can be deceiving and you'll miss it, maybe it's just me, but I never moan about a target, easy or hard. They are there to be shot

James, don't take this the wrong way but the only minor flaw in your logic is how these Scottish shoots fail to produce killing machines that would turn up and slaughter the soft Southerners in their own backyard. Don't happen do it ? :smoke:   :rolleyes:
...in the past two weeks they've done all right, AA class win at the EO and high gun at the Troy foods FITASC. ;)   :D  

I never said it did!?!? I also never said anything about 'soft southerners' either!!!

In general, the sporting shoots in England are quite different to the sporting shoots in Scotland. Less edge on clays, more 'fill in' stands, less extreme birds per shoot, not as badly/frequently affected by high winds and rain. The weather up here is windier and wetter, mostly the grounds are more exposed, what was set up as a good shoot in the middle of the week can quickly turn into a very hard slog on Sunday shooting in 40-50mph winds with 60mph gusts.

As for the 'killing machines", some of the Scottish boys do alright...the few who make it to or around AAA shooting up here really are top shots!!!
​have you noticed how windy it gets down here these days....been a PIA for the last month or so every weekend!

...in the past two weeks they've done all right, AA class win at the EO and high gun at the Troy foods FITASC. ;)   :D  
​Let's take nothing away from the winner regardless of the patch of earth he happened to open his eyes in. It takes something special to first get in the final of this kind of event, and then to produce a winning tally stood next to the worlds best. 

...in the past two weeks they've done all right, AA class win at the EO and high gun at the Troy foods FITASC. ;)   :D  
​That helps me feel not so bad for being appallingly bad compared to them at Stewart's compak evenings, although in fairness I am appallingly bad :)

Stewart was not brilliant straight away.

He has worked hard at it for many years. 

Train hard and then compete easily or easier.

If I had a penny for every cartridge and every pint that Colin Will has consumed , I would be a very wealthy man.

Congratulations to everyone who is enjoying a rich seam of form , long may it continue.
