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will j

May 13, 2012
Hi everyone ... i am new to this sport , at the moment i have bought a cheap gamba fixed chokes 1/4 1/4 , but now i am looking for something better , but i have a fixed budget of upto £1000,,, i was looking at a new webely scott 912 sporter , the black one to any advise given thanks Will

Welcome Will :) Secondhand Miroku MK38 will suit your budget quite nicely and is bullet proof :D would say go with Miroku, Browning or Beretta any one of which you will pick up a decent secondhand example for that money :)

Hi Will,

14 14 is absolutely fine for starting out, if it fits you and you can shoot with it then stick with it and save up a bit at £1200-1500 will open up an array of options.

Out of interest what type of shooting are you planning to do and what experience do you have? Why do you feel the need to upgrade so soon? I know of County Champions that shoot with very basic sub £150 guns.

Personally I wouldn't choose a Webley Scott, you want to be looking at a Browning, Beretta, Miroku in 30" with multi chokes second hand, they will return what you paid for them whereas the Webley will most likely loose £2-300 the second you fire it and keep heading south. £1200-£1500 will get you into new grade 1 territory of most of those and be a far better investment.

Welcome to the forum!



Miroku, Browning or Beretta all the way matey :D but if you're shooting ok with the gamba don't feel that you have to change!

Welcome above - if you're shooting OK with the the Gamba, stay with it and have fun! :)

Welcome aboard Will - enjoy ShootClay - any questions, please let me know...

Steer away from the Webley mate, they are bad news. A second hand MK38/3800 or an old 682 will last a lifetime and hold its value if you clean it every few months!

Sound advice from Ed and others but if you do go for another gun try and ensure someone who knows what they are doing helps you with gun fit - this is most important!

Well what can i say , a huge thankyou for all the advice, have been shooting 50 bird sporter mainly and tried some skeet as well , i understand what some of you are saying about keeping gamba, but after about 25/30 shots i get a realy sore cheek right under my eye , i may have chance of getting 686 for £995 . second hand of course but v good condition

well there is a lovely Mk38 gd5 with long teague chokes for a bit more in ShootBay.....


The most important thing is gun fit not price, you can spend many thousands of pounds on a gun but if it doesn't fit you, it is a waste.. Get someone who knows what they are doing to check the fit before you part with your money .

Oh and welcome to Shootclay

is that why i keep getting a sore cheek cos the gamba does not fit right
Maybe, maybe not. You say you are new to the sport, have you had any lessons? could be that you are lifting your head off the stock or mounting incorrectly. Could also be the poor gunfit option, so many variables. Really need to get someone who knows what they are at to have a look at you to get an accurate diagnosis. Bit like checking an illness on tinterweb, last time I had flu it told me I had hours to live :.: :.: see a doc and he will send you home for rest and fluids :D

Again, great advice above.

It may be something as simple as your gun mount is incorrect, cartridge choice can also come into it, bad mount plus a thumpy cartridge is a bad combination and will knock you about

I'm sure i'm not alone in having got my first shotgun and then having very little coaching after it, all that does is re-enforce bad technique and hold you back. You really need to go to a good coach who is well recommended and experienced, an hour with them may result in you not needing to change your gun but just get your mount etc sorted.

Check out the CPSA website for coaches in your area or let us know where you are in the UK and you will no doubt be recommended one :)



Will, just out of interest what model of Gamba is it? A fairly common Gamba is the Daytona which is an excellent gun. Sounds like a trap version to me , ie designed to shoot higher than a sporter as most trap targets are rising. Also what length of barrel is it?


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