High Quartering Crosser

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Rod M

Well-known member
Jun 19, 2018
Hi All,

I've made good progress with my shooting of late, but, for the life of me, I can't work out a certain target. It's a R/L crosser thrown from a tower that also quarters towards the shooter, so it's a mixture of a high driven and a crosser. Without seeing the target, I appreciate that it's difficult to offer detailed advice, but are there any tips for this sort of flight path. I haven't so much as clipped it in 10 attempts (5 pairs during 2 rounds of sporting), so planning to try and practice on it next time I'm at the ground (assuming it hasn't been changed by then). Frustratingly, there hasn't been anyone around each time I've shot the stand, so haven't been able to see them shoot it and/or ask for advice.

I do seem to struggle with the high diagonal flight paths, so any tips therefore much appreciated.

Many Thanks


Sounds a tricky angle. As you say, hard to say without seeing it, but likely it needs little lead if it’s quartering in, plus watch the line, make sure you not travelling horizontally and ending up above it. It also sound like a target I would let come in close and shoot as it’s more crossing.

Thanks Will. If memory serves correctly, I definitely didn't feel able to comfortably follow the line, so too much horizontal gun movement could well be a factor. I'll certainly also try your suggestion of shooting it later as I do tend to have more success on this sort of target as the 2nd bird to take in a sim pair (in this layout it is the 1st of an O/R pair), which does make sense.

Make sure of the line and that your footwork isn`t limiting your movement,making you pull off it !

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Update on this. Managed to shoot it again at the weekend and indeed leaving it late and taking more as a crosser was the way to go! It takes an age to come in so patience the key...

Thanks for the tips all

Update on this. Managed to shoot it again at the weekend and indeed leaving it late and taking more as a crosser was the way to go! It takes an age to come in so patience the key...

Thanks for the tips all
If that’s the case, the other thing is not to start tracking it too early either. Just ignore the first part of the flight completely. Usually, focus only on the kill area is good for any target. 

Thanks Will, that was what I was trying to do. Keep the gun down until it's approaching my hold point, mount, pull-away and shoot; it worked well with 4 of 5 hit


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