i am confused

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As someone who has plenty of problems like trigger freeze, trying to rifle the shot from years of rifle shooting etc I find that if I get caught out with a clay being released a fraction before I'm ready I can react instinctively and kill it but the next repeat when I'm back trying to shoot it I miss it so instinct works well because the brain on autopilot is quicker and better than trying to use the thinking bit, if that makes any sense!  That's why I always say don't try too hard as to my mind its easy to concentrate and try too hard, leave it too long to make sure etc and then miss it!

Its also about repetition. You see so many shooter on a stand of five pairs try to kill the clay in at different point each pair. This makes every shot different so the lead changes with every pair but to your brain you keep trying the lead that worked for one kill.

Ips the best way to figure this out for your self is pick a medium crossing target not to fast something with about 4ft of lead and not too Edge on something that can easily be seen. And shoot it to death........ using every method,  don't be afraid of maintained lead when you get used to seeing that gap you will be very surprised at how forgiving maintained lead is. If you shoot enough shells at that one target by the end your gun hold will be very near your break point and you will be amazed at how much time you have and as long as you see that gap the clay will break 

Ips, you think toooo much. Just shoot naturally and enjoy it.

Ips, you think toooo much. Just shoot naturally and enjoy it.
funny you should say that. That's exactly what the folk on the gundog training forum say about my dog training. Isn't that right David ?

Ips the best way to figure this out for your self is pick a medium crossing target not to fast something with about 4ft of lead and not too Edge on something that can easily be seen. And shoot it to death........ using every method,  don't be afraid of maintained lead when you get used to seeing that gap you will be very surprised at how forgiving maintained lead is. If you shoot enough shells at that one target by the end your gun hold will be very near your break point and you will be amazed at how much time you have and as long as you see that gap the clay will break 
thanks, I will try that on sat IF I can find a hittable target ?

The beauty of sporting is that you will see a hige variety of targets.

it could well be that as you are fairly early on in your career and you have not moved into the joys of registered shoots yet the targets you see at club level can be tame by comparison.

lots of these will be fine to shoot with swing through and timing, when you get onto the bigger stuff you will very much have to be aware of lead.

an example was a couple of targets today one of which a 60 yard (measured) crossing battue, full spring and crossing. You can look at that as hard as you like but until you realise you need to convivially see a good 15 odd foot gap you will be there a long time.

enjoythe learning curve!

I measure every target. I have no  instinctive ability at all.  I know the lead I put on every clay, unfortunately not often the right one.

By the time ips has sorted the lead out he may be looking for grounds that have wheelchair access

Maintained Lead.page 24 in this sporting section is probably the best thread on here witn input from some of the best sporting shots in the world,have a look for it ips.

Just had another look its page 25 sorry

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When i started my natural method was a fast swingthrough and one of the only lessons i  had was with carl bloxam and he was saying yes it works well but i was always coming back to far making swing through a slash rather than a push.I wouldnt fight what you have it will do for most things,the most important thing is to build confidence.
Ah confidence when they can bottle that and concentration I'll take a crate of each please.


found it eleven pages but I found what I needed on page one or was it two, anyway cant remember who posted it but went something like this

"find the leading edge and pull through"

that will do for me, that is pretty much my style.

oh and I just had to copy and paste this from my good friend 40up, no idea who he is talking about but it made me chuckle....enjoy.

17 year old Me on an Eley 10 target training course:

Clarrie Wilson: don't pull the trigger until I tell you

Me: Bang!

Clarrie Wilson: No, don't pull the trigger until I tell you

Me: Bang!

Clarrie Wilson: Bugger off

esp for me os about pulling the trigger for fun with no pressure however the competitive side of me is rearing its head and becoming confused. So some questions / observations...

I shoot trap instinctively with no conscious thought of lead or anything I just look hard at the target and let it happen. I asumed rightly or wrongly that esp targets required a more cognitive approach were target and muzzle awareness and measured lead came into play. I have shot some esp targets like my trap style mainly out of frustration and it seems to work however longer quartering shots or crossers I seem not to be able to trust myself and end up trying to measure the lead.

so the questions are

do any esp shooters use the just let it happen method on every target presentation or do you require a contrived approach on some or all. I know there are many ways to skin a rabbit just interested if my way of skinning one is at all possible for a discipline with such a variety of targets or if its a case of requiring a few methods and learning which one to use for a given situation ??
For what its worth I can share my experience at missing rabbits on my latest video! A couple get away totally unscathed! www.see-the-lead.com

I always see lead in some form or other. If you just pull through a target it must be difficult to keep a consistency because it all depends on the speed of your swing. There are very few targets you can shoot straight at and those that you can usually require you to pull the trigger the instant you are pointing at it. Everything else will require you to shoot where its going. Sometimes this can be a bit deceptive often requiring you to shoot low of what you perceive the line to be. All the experience from shooting sporting targets comes together so when you are watching the stand you can weigh up what picture you need to see. What would help you is to have someone with you who can RELIABLY advise where you are going wrong, don't trust balltrap!!

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