Interesting ABT classification statistic

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Cut off for "B" class in ABT has historically been 86 point something % The last two classification listings it is 84 point something % OT is 82%.

The point is that as some of us have eluded too in various other posts ABT is getting harder and closer to OT difficulty.

Grounds are not setting the new regulations so this years selections could be a shock. The weather last year pushed everybody's averages down. The points spread for the England team was 30% wider.

Back to your point of OT difficulty by statistics. There was once an anomaly in secondary school examinations. Classical Greek language exams had the highest percentage pass rate of any subject.

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Didnt know that, why are they not and how they getting away with incorrect targets. ?

Not sure i fully understand the Greek exam analogy, can you elaborate please.

Many thanks.


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Maybe the grounds do not know the changes or perhaps there is no enforcement. What happened with the greek exam which was the most challenging was that only the most able candidates even attempted it, distorting the results.

Maybe the grounds do not know the changes or perhaps there is no enforcement. What happened with the greek exam which was the most challenging was that only the most able candidates even attempted it, distorting the results.
In which case, which grounds are throwing regulation targets?? I guess Nuthampstead are as the selection shoot is there in April?

But what about Rugby??


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I shot rugby back in Sept ish and they Defo were new settings. Pretty sure Bev are not, or at best there somewere near but not.

The selection shoots will be and I know Julesy does at Nottingham

South Wales 2000 def are as they are spending a lot of effort getting the targets perfect. The HI should be good...

Ha ha, I like the idea of me setting the targets at the ground but I can assure you it has nothing to do with me!!!!

The weather was shocking at every ABT shoot we held last year, it seemed to be a cursed discipline so there is definitely something in that.

The change in regulations was not very well publicised so if a ground does not have someone with time to trawl the Internet then it could have easily been missed.

I am very lucky to have a boss like Carl and a fantastic team around me that enables me to (hopefully) keep our finger on the pulse.

Feed it back, we always want to know about the quality of the targets, good and bad .

I don't know why they needed to change things at all. Why can't they leave well alone!!??

Now that we are into the season and have all presumably shot some current targets any further thoughts on the matter. I stand by my thoughts that abt is now as hard if not harder at times than ot.

Discuss !

Just looked at the new cut offs and the & per class has steadily gone down since 2009

Proof that ABT is getting much harder ???

Can't argue with figures I guess? Three target drop across the classes since 2009

DTL on the otherhand had stayed pretty consistent since 2009.

Interestingly UT has also dropped very slightly over the last few issues while OT has improved, albeit very slightly. Although both are down by almost three targets in A class on the 2009 figures.


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Yes 3 targets doesn't sound a lot but kind of tells us something

As you say DTL has always been pretty constant however I remember being able to win A class with high 80s low 90s twenty years ago. In fact I was in a shoot off for A class in the English open in 1998 with a 293 that wouldn't happen now I don't think ?

Incidentally I lost by a barrel after 50 target shoot off :(


got English open date wrong was 98 not 2000

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