Is pellet size just another head thing?

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personally use 7.5 in 2.4mm flavour at all targets, nothing they wont break but its down to individuals to choose what they feel is best

Out of the four sizes- 7,7.5,8 and 9’s  - 2.4,2.3,2.2 and 2mm, the only one that can and will lose you targets despite being on target is the latter, in other words 9’s can easily be demonstrated not to break what the others can. 

Statistical analysis can and possibly will  prove the former (7’s) is capable of letting the odd rangy/edgy clay through unscathed (hence the argument of greater kinetic energy becomes null and void.

The middle two offer the most statistical probability of density V enough remaining kinetic energy to do the job.

Championships have been won with 2.2mm 8’s, why take the risk of not using them for at least 95% of the time ? If you come across a quartering long range rabbit or hard to break chandelle then by all means use a 7, I fail to see a statistically defendable case for 6.5’s - the fact that RF may have won a Skeet championship using them or some North American/Fitasc shoot known for using bio clays is not a valid enough argument. 

Out of the four sizes- 7,7.5,8 and 9’s  - 2.4,2.3,2.2 and 2mm, the only one that can and will lose you targets despite being on target is the latter, in other words 9’s can easily be demonstrated not to break what the others can. 

Statistical analysis can and possibly will  prove the former (7’s) is capable of letting the odd rangy/edgy clay through unscathed (hence the argument of greater kinetic energy becomes null and void.

The middle two offer the most statistical probability of density V enough remaining kinetic energy to do the job.

Championships have been won with 2.2mm 8’s, why take the risk of not using them for at least 95% of the time ? If you come across a quartering long range rabbit or hard to break chandelle then by all means use a 7, I fail to see a statistically defendable case for 6.5’s - the fact that RF may have won a Skeet championship using them or some North American/Fitasc shoot known for using bio clays is not a valid enough argument. 
Spot on as ever Hamid


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