hahahaha Michael is a Good man.I thought Michael had a nerve - turning them inside out after equipment check had taped over them.
So presumably the Commonwealth Games are not shot under ISSF rules as otherwise the NCSC would not have the white mushroom covers?Robert is correct, the same reason no shooting covers are allowed. Even mid-afternoon in Athens, in a downpour in Beijing.
they are limiting the blinkers as they are jealous others might end up with blinkers bigger than theirs... and theirs cover their eyes!I shall tell you why the blinker rule is so important my old mate!!!! Because they have to justify their existence somehow!! These people cannot leave things alone if things are going OK, they have to sod about with things that should be left well alone. Yes I do wear side blinders, in some circumstances I have been known to have them sticking out a long way too, mainly to counteract a distraction of some sort, or maybe due to the sun or it reflecting off of something. Mostly I wear short stiff blinders though, they do not stick out very far, as opposed to the old cardboard ones I used to use, which could be made to stick out a ver long way!
I just wish these bloody rule makers would sod off to be honest Ian!! :growl: