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Having given much thought to the new fangled finals I have to say that I am now in favour (not that it is likely to ever effect me of course) the first 125 is merely a qualifying round and like all other sports that have a final everyone starts at scratch, so on that basis it is correct.

It will never affect me either, and I do have some mixed feelings about "fairness" and I'm not sure what that really is or how it's attained, or if the 125 target first elimination makes that.  There are certainly alternatives that would be superior but also consume more time and I'd be betting that the IOC is more concerned about the time frame than some other aspects of the competition.  But if you look at the miss and out nature of other Olympic competitions the shooting really isn't all that bad.  I mean, train for 4yrs, run a first elimination race 0.01sec slower than 2nd place and go home???

Having said that, the new format is certainly more interesting to watch.  And it does lean mightily on the ability of the competitors to maintain so maybe it is "fair".  Any given day, the best shooter wins. 

Another quota place for Rio Steve Scott Bronze Double Trap

Dog Tyred may well be correct - I can only find two places listed in the quota place schedule for Double Trap. So Bronze medal it is.

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